Introduction to DS-RP  D3VHN4X

Dillimore's Stories - Introduction Guide

Greetings! I hope all is well and that you're someone that has a great imagination along with a willingness to test its limits in our RolePlaying setting.

This is Dillimore, a small town next to Los Santos. We are going to focus on this little town which would prove to be full of mysteries. There are lots of opportunities for everyone here. The political side is all sparked up as they fight for the next election's results, the little underground organizations work for control over the strategical key location, Dillimore, which is a good opportunity to push products to the big city of Los Santos. Small business owners also find it interesting as a small town could have them be known fast enough. The law enforcement here also needs back-up in order to hold at bay all of these unclean interests. Which side will you pick? What would you fight for?

Is this a SA-MP server? Yes.
Is it like the rest of them where you may roleplay normal people having mundane jobs like cops, robbers and the likes? No, even though you can still do that if you'd like, but there's more to it and I'm sure you won't stop there.

We are to enjoy the World of Darkness atmosphere with little limitations here, but what's World of Darkness you may ask yourself?

World of Darkness

World of Darkness is a special genre having Dark Fantasy set as it's core. And as players roleplaying within this theme, they are usually serious characters, but not always. The word might feel abit heavy on a few, but it really isn't.

It's just that beyond regular lives, there are alot of mysteries left undiscovered, and the World Of Darkness is the fantasy for the "undiscovered" things.

If you're into fantasy movies where werewolves, vampires, or demons are involved, you're going to love this! If you managed to reach this part of the guide, get ready, the best is about to come yet!

What races will I be able to play?

At first, we will have the human race automatically set for any new account, this is to get used to the atmosphere of our setting and get enough experience before divind into the world of one our races.

The universe of World Of Darkness has a variety of races, these are the following:

Regular humans who have no idea that a dark side exists, and supernaturals do aswell, but some know, but keep quiet, and there's people who set out to hunt the said "danger". They range from the regular citizen, who works a daily job to the local Deputy with the Sheriff's, and the paramedics. Humans are everywhere, and vast. And if they knew of supernatural existence, it won't end well for the supernaturals. And with that in mind, since many many years ago, the supernaturals decided to keep themselves hidden from the eyes of humans as much as possible, to avoid hindrances.

Note: This is the starting race for any new account.

The undead creatures of the night, the children of Caine himself, carrying on their legacy within the dark to one day survive and realize their dreams, some cursed with immortality and to feed on others, a vulnerability to sun, but in the night, they rule. Some think the effects of vampirism is a gift, while some think it's a curse, and there are the mad ones, of course, who seem to love causing hardships to others.

The world were split into three called the triat within the cosmos,
Wyld: The creation, to create raw sources;
Weaver: The Balance, to enhance the raw sources;
Wyrm:  The destruction to start the creation again.

But once the triat collided, the imbalance was set in place, and the warriors of each triat seek to restore their own place within the world again. The half human / half wolf, half spirit beings tied close to the spirit realm, have anger issues, but the anger is directed toward their enemy.

The werewolves honorably called as the Garou by themselves and the Nightfolk, walk the nights with pride to rid the Earth of the Wyrm which is now corrupted. The garou aligned with the Weaver are more technological in nature and were humans prior to their First Change, seem to work with guns and cybernetics rather than swords and shields.

Investigation, tribal roleplay, teaming-up, pack formation are key features of this race which enhance the roleplay.

And finally, if supernaturals had nothing to fear about humans, they won't exist. And they fear these unknown warriors who operate in the night, while during the day they're mere civilians in most cases, while some have military background or an illegal background, whatever it may be, they seem skilled at what they do, and the unskilled die early.

The Hunters are referred to as the "Imbued", have the powers called as Edges which provide them with an upper-hand in combating supernaturals in most cases, and they're built to counter their powers. These powers have been bestowed upon by the "Messengers", who's identity till this date, is unclear. The Messengers choose the Imbued wisely and provide them with the edges, and that's when the hunt begins.

The imbued know supernaturals walk the Earth and each one of them, are human, but with a supernatural counter-part. They seem to be convinced and dedicated to the hunt in their own ways, it's not limited, but their options are indeed. Some Hunt to protect  humans, some to eradicate supernaturals to cleanse the world, some do it just for fun, and the rest try to figure out why they're the "chosen" ones.

The Imbued of course, have their own sub-divisions but to not overwhelm the players, please reach out to the Hunter Mods with related questions or try referring the book to draft your own proper understanding. They often work by hijacking the local government or the illegal rackets and work their way up to cleanse, as a cover.

Key Features: Investigations, Group Co-Ordination, Tracking, Judgement are all present in this splat and very important.

Aside from The Hunters, the Vampires in play as former humans, we have Numina, a special sub-race who are humans, but they accepted the existence of supernatural world, and use the Old Ways of magick, things like Witchcraft, potions, weather-witching, they are nothing but Hedge Magicians. Only they know, out of several years of practice, to employ their practice properly to have the magick work.

And then we have the Psychic Phenomena, humans who pushed themselves beyond their limitations to attain powers ((Example: Stranger Things Eleven )). They felt a touch with the counterpart they worked to extremes, though the power may be quite simple, using them isn't, and it drains them off their Will itself, and may or may not injure them in the process.

Aside from all this, we also have several Federal Factions playing their role, along with the Society of Leopold and the Catholic Hunters who follow the ways of the Inquisition till this date. They preach about their beliefs to others, and the hardcore beliefs provide them with supernatural miracles and an upper hand over supernaturals while at the same time it deprives them of humanity and social life. These powers are called "True Faith", comes from the source of belief, and the users think of themselves as Messengers of God, and the humble ones call them as the Servants of God.

Though this sub-race isn't all about magick, there are things like Alchemy, researching politics to gain a control over the supernaturals, they are all in this splat, and that's what you do. With power, comes responsibilities, and an option to change the world to your will.

Key Features: Witch / Wizard roleplay, Alchemical Researching, Counter Terrorism, Terrorism, Religion Oriented Characters, Hunting as a group, understanding oneself, escapism are all the key features of Numina.

Demons, simply put, were once the Celestial Angels reponsible for the Creation itself, with each angel having a task, a duty to aid with the creation, with one motive, to make Earth a better place for Humanity to live on, without issues. The God left two rules to all Angels in common, and them being:
1. Do not reveal yourselves to humans at any cost.
2. Love humans as if they were your children.

The angels saw the first humans, Adam and Eve dance through the garden of Eden but it didn't stand the Angels to look at the humans waste their potential, and after a "Great Debate", Lucifer the Lightbringer (Prince of All Angels) decided to take those angels who shared his vision and go down to reveal their existence to Adam and Eve, and these angels who went alongside Lucifer were labelled as Rebels, and the whole charade was named "The Great Rebellion". But the God didn't stand by simply put, he sent his heavens forces that remained in the Heaven to give one fair warning to the rebellion, to return or face eternal damnation, only one angel submitted to god, and returned to heaven, the rest stuck with Lucifer.

A hundred years of development later, the humanity were cursed with Mortality, Ferocious Beasts, Decay, Diseases, Death, Ill Intentions, Mischief, due to the angels, but Lucifer stood strong, so did his forces, split into Legions (See Demon: The Fallen).  A few hundred years later, humanity took the losses again, and the Rebellion's time of judgement came, the Heaven's current Messenger and the Prince of Heavens, the Voice of God, Michael, condemned the Rebels into an eternal prison, the fallen proudly went into eternal damnation thinking Lucifer will come alongside, but he didn't, nor did their major vice-commanders. In the Abyss, they felt whatever suffering humanity felt, but doubled, or even tripled to a point their entire existence was scarred, their true forms taking a twisted appearance there-in.

Mages are in a nutshell sorcerers, but playing a mage is nowhere limiting to your creativity, infact it's the most flexible race to mess around any bit of splat you like, but development might take quite the time, but it still is interesting to develop. Aside from the splat, we do indeed follow Mage - The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition for mage, but we do have many complaints regarding the book being very complex, and we agree. And so for that, we have mentorship programs to have an easier time learning, while you have someone guiding you for most the journey, leave a message in support mentioning you need a mentor, and it will come to senses.

There are two types of mages in the splat, and them being Mystics (those who focus on the mystical methods such as sorcery, blood magick, spiritual aids) and Technomancers (Those who use high-end technology to have an upperhand (Darth Vader is possible, yes.).)  Aside from the fact, there are hybrids between these two types of mages aswell, but it's entirely upto your concept, and the moderators are always free to help you out.

There are three major factions within the Mage Society, The Traditions (Mystics as a whole, some tend to lean toward technology), The Disparates (The stray ones who do not distinguish them as a Tradition/Technocracy) and finally The Technocrats (Tech Based Magus who deal with controlling supernatural activities and exploring the endless void (Men in Black is a good reference).

Ultimately, there is alot to refer to, and this guide simply isn't enough to explain all the points of mage to be simply put. 🤣

Key Features: Team Work, Solo Play, Investigation, Abyss Mysticism, High End Tech Researches, Star Wars, literally anything you could possibly think of, it's mage, a pit of creativity.