Spoiler :

Currently the three major courts of the state are locked in an uneasy peace however the more politically savvy Kithain are fully aware this is not going to last. When the Golden Court was unified in '03 members of both the Court of Cards and the Angel Court wanted to declare open war on San Francisco to completely dismantle the new Queen's demense, however, cooler or some say weaker heads prevailed. What's happened since the unification is nothing short of imperial conquest and testing the boundaries of this uneasy peace. Queen Elyria aep Trenavalyn of House Fiona declared that Bayside was under thrall of Thallain and sent her warriors in to pacify the small town (much to the confusion of the upcoming local court.) From there her forces began expanding south-east taking up more and more of the county until they reached Angel Pine itself. Now the map has the Golden Court dominating the western half of the state and it's no secret she covets control of the entire state.

The Courts

The State & Kingdoms TQRBawq

Without a doubt the strongest court within the state, The Golden Court sneezes and the rest of the state catches a cold. In the 1960s the Golden Court ruled the entire state under Queen Lara aep Glamarye of House Liam and all fae kind prospered, the other courts were offered a great deal of autonomy while swearing oaths of fealty to San Fierro. Nobody knows what caused the last Queen to suddenly disappear but the aftermath was felt a great deal, oaths instantly shattered and chaos ensuing. The Golden Court was split along five different factions each headed by a dragon rider and their constant in-fighting and bickering left the city in a weaker position, undead and demons moved into their streets and their once iron grip faltered. When Arch Duchess Elyria aep Trenavalyn declared herself the new Queen and imprisoned the other dragon riders during a feast nobody challenged her claim beyond a few pockets of nobles and their retainers. It didn't take much for the new Queen to establish dominance over the city and once she had taken the vacant throne she completely solidified her rule before branching out to the surrounding county and Bayside.

The State & Kingdoms KOGmf4l

The second strongest player in the state purely through finances. The Court of Cards has is best described as casino politics, the keyholders of each casino make up the political power. They use the hopes and dreams of mortal gamblers as a means to harvest Glamour, converting it into Dross which they use to fund their lavish parties and standing army of Redcap mercenaries. Rumour has it the Kithain of this town struck a deal with an insanely powerful faction of Awakened. The Court and these mages work together to keep outside threats away from Las Venturas. A vampire uprising took place in '99 and to say the response was brutal would be an understatement, approximately 70% of the vampire population was slaughtered by the time the fighting came to an end. As it stands right now the Venturas Kithain would prefer to be left alone entirely by external forces but with the expansion of the Golden Court with all the military might of the past with none of the diplomatic tact these dreams are being squashed.

The State & Kingdoms NqYJEuD

The Angel Court or the Court of Angels named after the city itself. To call this a Noble Court is a bit of a stretch, the current Arch-duke is nothing more than a figurehead for the commoners who truly run the show. Utilising human gangs the Kithain of this city are some of the most brutal and vicious in the state however compared to the other two courts the Kithain of Los Santos fall apart when it comes to organisation, infighting and petty conflicts over territory fracture this potentially powerful city. Often times the Kithain of this city are focused on street battles with local Prodigals and pay little attention to what's going on around them, this has probably played a major part in the Golden Court focusing on the territory around Los Santos as a priority.