Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

Character development:
Name:  Archie Mcnail
Concept: Druid
Age: 21
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Theurge
Tribe: Fianna
Rank: Cliath
Character's Nature / Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Merits (must provide page of the merits you wanna choose):
Flaws:(must provide page of the flaws you wanna choose)

Werewolf Knowledge:
What is a werewolf and how do you become one?: In WoD a werewolf is a creature of human, wolf and spirit bound in one. They call themselves garou and they believe they were created by Gaia, the spirit of earth and the creator of all in order to be her fangs and claws against the Wyrm, one of her servants who got mad and is trying to destroy her. The garou have a society of their own hidden from the human one and unlike human myths claim, a garou can only be born and not made.
Are you allowed to shapeshift in public places? Why is it dangerous to shapeshift in public areas?: By the laws of the garou shapeshifting anywhere where a mortal eye can see you is prohibited and is considered as Lifting the Veil. Such an act is punishable by the Garou especially if it’s done on purpose. The major danger it bears is that a human who was unaware of the garou existence decides to find out more about the “monsters” among humanity and decide to hunt you down the next time you are in town when you are in your human form where you are most vulnerable.
What could happen if you ventured into the town while in your wolf/war forms? Why isn't it a good decision? If you were to go as a werewolf in town, why would you do it?: The war form carries a curse known as Delirium and the majority of humans who would see you would flee in terror not being able to remember anything they saw but some humans are immune to it and they might decide to take action. Other supernaturals roam in town including humans with special powers to hunt you down so you basically risking your life and your pack’s life as well as your Sept’s and caern’s location in case someone skilled enough decides to track you down. The only reason I can think that I would go werewolf in town is probably to attack a threat that is always causing havoc in it and humans have no way to fight back(Such as a Bane in the physical form that shapeshifts into it real form and spreads delirium and panic around already).

Character Story:
Born under the Crescent moon in an unpopular small town in Northern Ireland surrounded by tall mountains and a vast forest, Archie is the first born of Lilith’s and William’s Mcnail. The two kinfolk parents have met during the celebration of Beltane in a large feast hosted by the local Sept and bonded together shortly after and as it was foretold to them by the Rite Master of the Sept the first of their children would be a boy that would be Garou. Archie had a pretty normal life though deep inside him he could always feel that he was not a normal boy at all. Due to his auspice Archie would often feel the presence of the spirits around him and act strange as his classmates would often describe, despite the fact he could never see them and because of that he would be labeled by the normal folks of the town as “weird” or “freak” or “mentally unstable” and no matter how many times he’d ask his parents for an explanation he’d never get a straightforward answer, instead of that Lilith and William would always speak in riddles to him and assure him that once the time is right he’d get all the answers he needed. Once Archie reached adolescence though, he’d get even more troubled by the frequent nightmares and dreams that included mainly wolves but also some other animals. At that point his parents knew that the time was near and as such they slowly cut him out from the human society e to ensure that his First Change that was about to happen anytime soon would be as smooth as possible, with no human casualties or the risk of a veil breach.

At the age of 16 Archie was taken away from his school and would be homeschooled by his own mother Lilith, a decision that would probably anger most of the teenagers at his age but he himself didn’t mind as he always felt unwanted in that place. The only thing that would cause him a bit of frustration was the fact that he would not get to see his only two friends Jack and Noah as much as he used to nor go outside as often. One more year would pass until the moment that everyone was waiting for arrived. On a summer night Archie was preparing to go out with Jack, Noah and a few girls the duo knew from their highschool. Among the girls there was one that Archie was really fond of, Suzy O’Hara and that night they would all hang out together at a campsite in the woods where Archie would grab his chance and talk to her for the first time. However his parents felt that it wasn’t a good idea at all as he could get rejected and his hurt feelings could trigger his first change and turn that night into a tragic event. William took it upon himself and told Archie that he would have to stay home because his uncle and aunt were coming over for dinner and he was needed there to meet them and his cousins. Although curious to meet his relatives that his father never spoke about before, Archie explained that nothing could ruin his special night. Finally when William tried to force him to stay inside a fight broke between him and his parents which resulted in him getting punished and locked by his scary Irish father into his bedroom. Though that wasn’t enough to keep him there for too long. Archie used his bedsheets to make a rope and climb down from his bedroom’s window to the backyard, leaped over the wall and started running towards the forest in hopes to catch up with his friends at the meeting spot. On his way there however a weird  feeling overtook him and a bright light would catch his attention and have him follow it away from the forest’s designed road that led to the campsite, into the depths of the forest till he finally reached at the entrance of a cave. There, the light took the form of a white fawn that would be directly staring at him for a few more seconds before it disappeared out of thin air. Archie stared back speechless, he was in disbelief then once the fawn disappeared and everything turned dark again he looked around realizing how lost he was. His heart beated faster as fear overtook him, then a growling coming from the cave caught his attention again. A deformed werewolf soaked in blood came out of the cave standing twice his height, Archie froze, at this point he could barely move, for a few more seconds he had a staredown with the creature before it roared and launched forwards ready to tear him into pieces but before it even reached him the miracle happened. Archie’s rage burned deeply within him as it kicked in and in the blink of an eye he assumed his War form and fought back the already wounded creature, finishing it on spot before he too fell on the floor exhausted with some serious wounds as well.
The next morning Archie woke up back to his bedroom thinking for a moment that it was all but a nightmare till the pain from his injuries confirmed him that everything was very real. The door busted open and a stranger walked inside, he called everyone upstairs and moments later his parents and a few more strangers came running to the room too. Archie was still in shock and made his attempt to explain to his parents what had happened but before he could even say a word he was hushed by them who then told him they knew everything and spent the next few hours explaining what was happening. The truth was finally revealed to him but it’d take him days before he could fully accept it. Eventually when his wounds fully healed and he processed everything in his mind he was ready to begin his journey into becoming a Fianna but most importantly become a Garou. Archie was sent away from his home under the supervision of his uncle, Aidan, his father’s  oldest brother who took him away from Ireland and brought him in the U.S. The Fianna Septs in Ireland were at war with the Black Dancers and had united to take over some really important caerns that were lost through the years, as such it was not safe for him to be trained anywhere near them, in fact the werewolf Archie finished off during his first change was one of their soldiers who had escaped during battle and was being pursued by Aidan’s pack who found Archie and brought him home, while the White Fawn was there to ensure that the Dancer who was a former Fianna as well, would be found. Together they ended up in the Sept of Green Paws near the Applachia mountains where Archie’s training would begin. There, Aidan who was a Galliard would spend his days teaching him the history of the tribe while 4 more Garou of the other auspices would teach him about the other aspects of the Garou. The most notable of all would be Elder Henry The Arcadian Walker, who had earned his name after he was recruited by the Tuatha De Fionn, a camp that dealt with the fae folk and had returned from a journey to the Arcadian realm which he would later visit often as he had earned the favor of it inhabitants. Henry taught Archie about the spirits and the Umbra but didn’t reveal to him the secrets of the Tuatha in hopes that if the young one is truly interested could earn that once he became officially a Fiann.

After a year and a half, the training was finally complete and Archie was ready to prove that he truly deserves to be considered a Fiann. His Rite of Passage was right around the bench. His first task was to recite one of the 9 Fianna sagas, an easy task since Archie spent a lot of time with his uncle Aidan. Then for his physical challenge as the Fianna tradition demanded, Archie would have to be the first one to climb a cliff while competing two more cubs, a rather hard task for him who wasn’t quite of an athlete but managed to pull through thanks to his courage and the tricks a Ragabash had taught him during his training. Finally for his final tasks, Archie would have to sacrifice a well crafted item or an item won by another Garou into the caern’s heart and convince a spirit of any kind to become a permanent resident of the caern. Archie challenged his own uncle Aidan into a riddle contest for a ring he was wearing, a really precious one as it had been in the family for hundreads of years. Archie managed to defeat his own uncle and though he was bitter about it, he gave up the ring for the sacrifice as the traditions demanded knowing he would never get it back. As about the last task, Archie embarked in the Umbral world and searched for 3 days and 3 nights until he finally found and convinced a hummingbird spirit to move into the caern and become a permanent resident there for as long as Archie would promise that the caern would always have flowers for it to feed on. Once the final task was complete and Archie was back a great feast was held for all those who made it through their Rite of Passage and Archie was announced and recognized as an official member of the tribe. In the following years Archie joined the camp Grandchildren of Fionn and formed a pack with a few more cliaths, together they returned back to Ireland and joined the war against the Dancers to reclaim the rest of the captured caerns but that journey wouldn’t last long. One day as he was traveling through the Umbral lands in search of a new blessing, the white fawn appeared infront of him again. This time though Archie knew the language of the Spirits and so he could communicate with her. The fawn claimed that Stag himself was ordering Archie to abandon Ireland and return to U.S as in a town called Dillimore there was a Sept in great need. With heavy heart Archie returned to the skinlands to announce the news before he finally departed for the uknown place the Fawn told him to.

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyRe: Archie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

Very cool.


Don't forget to send me the merits, flaws and background before creating your character in game to have the final approval.

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyRe: Archie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

Alright so for my chars flaws I will choose: Impatient 1pt.
                                                             Nightmares 1pt.
                                                             Curiosity 2pt.
4pt of flaws extand my freebies from 15 to 19.
With my 5 main background points I will unlock Rites 1, Mentor 1, Fetish 1, Resources 1 and Ancestor 1.
Spending some of my freebies to upgrade them: Rites 5, Mentor 3, Fetish 1, Resources 1 and Ancestor 3. total of 8 freebies spent.

For my merits I will choose: Natural Channel 3pt.
                                        Acute Sense 1pt. Hearing.
                                         Concetration 1pt.
                                         Spirit Magnet 1pt.
                                      total freebies left: 5 which I will keep for later.

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyRe: Archie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

doberman wrote:
Alright so for my chars flaws I will choose: Impatient 1pt.
                                                             Nightmares 1pt.
                                                             Curiosity 2pt.
4pt of flaws extand my freebies from 15 to 19.
With my 5 main background points I will unlock Rites 1, Mentor 1, Fetish 1, Resources 1 and Ancestor 1.
Spending some of my freebies to upgrade them: Rites 5, Mentor 3, Fetish 1, Resources 1 and Ancestor 3. total of 8 freebies spent.

For my merits I will choose: Natural Channel 3pt.
                                        Acute Sense 1pt. Hearing.
                                         Concetration 1pt.
                                         Spirit Magnet 1pt.
                                      total freebies left: 5 which I will keep for later.

Alright, send the mentor and fetish information. By the way, shared mentor are not allowed, so your mentor can only assist you, not others, ok? (aka they can't help others to get gifts and stuff like that)

The freebies left I imagine it is to spend on abilities or stuff such gnosis, rage and willpower, right? If not, remember they are spent at character creation only and can't be saved for later.

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyRe: Archie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

Okay so for the Rank 1 Fetish I chosen Magpies Swag basically its a fetish bag that fits x3 its size with items and allows you to carry items in Umbra with the exception of complicated weaver items such as guns.

Mentors name will be Fionna O'Conell, she js an Athro and a Rite Master for a Sept in Bayside where she currently resides with her pack, occasionally she will be showing up in Dillimore to check on Archie but most of the times Archie will have to travel there if he needs consulting or to learn a new Rite.

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyRe: Archie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

Ok, accepted

descriptionArchie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna] EmptyRe: Archie Mcnail [Cliath] [Fianna]

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