Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role PlayLog in

Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyDeigo Nersissian

Deigo Nersissian  Deigo_10
Deigo's spent his early years in East Los Santos after moving from the area to blueberry where he stays now. Diegos parents were hardcore drug addict and his dad getting shot at a young age due to gang violence. He never had a Parental figure to look up to as his brothers were gang bangers and in and out of Jail. It didn't take long for Deigo to follow the footsteps that his family made getting him into trouble in the streets at a young age doing petty crimes and fighting at school. This is when social services went to his house and took Deigo to blueberry a small town in red county. Thats where his criminal activity started to get worse. 

to be continued

Picture of deigos dad after the shooting
  Deigo Nersissian  Deigo11

Last edited by Jisgaw on 16/11/2022, 19:22; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyRe: Deigo Nersissian

The OG!

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyRe: Deigo Nersissian

keep it up

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyRe: Deigo Nersissian

only one word,


my friend

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyRe: Deigo Nersissian

Lookin' cool.

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyRe: Deigo Nersissian

Keep up the good work

descriptionDeigo Nersissian  EmptyRe: Deigo Nersissian

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