Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionWajahat_Bukhari EmptyWajahat_Bukhari


Name: Wajahat_Bukhari
Date of Birth: 15th July, 1982
Education (pick as applicable): [ ] High School/GED; [ ]
Former Employment: Avery Construction, General laborer - From 27/01/2003 to 09/04/2005
Military Service: [ ] No

descriptionWajahat_Bukhari EmptyRe: Wajahat_Bukhari

Player is in a gang, Close this.

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Last edited by Mephisto on 18/11/2022, 19:17; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Warning)

descriptionWajahat_Bukhari EmptyPlayer not in a gang

No I'm not

descriptionWajahat_Bukhari EmptyRe: Wajahat_Bukhari

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