Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role PlayLog in

Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

description[Akashayana] Zhu Hong Empty[Akashayana] Zhu Hong

Character Name:Zhu Hong
Character Concept: Martial artist teaching other kids.
Character Age: 30
Avatar Essence:Pattern
Starting Arete Rating:2
Faction:Akashic Brotherhood / Sect: Li-Hai.
Paradigm:Might Is Right
Practices (2 - 3): Gutter Magick / Martial Arts / Yoga
Starting Spheres (6 Points to share): Affinity Sphere: Mind 2 dots, Life 2, Correspondance 1, Time 1.
Instruments (7 - 10): Symbols / Eye Contact / Liquids (tears, sweat, saliva, etc.) / Elements / Weapons / Gestures / Martial Arts / P/I Odachi

Character's Nature / Demeanor: Nature: Perfectionist / Demeanor: Director.

Character Story:

Way before, when Samurais ruled countries and conquered regions, back in the Edo period, a renowned enlightened ronin Samurai who was tied to the Akashyana called Endō Ujisato who mastered Martial Arts, Do, and the usage of Katanas, seeking justice for his own hometown, defending it from all enemies, using his magick in order of attaining justice, he always wanted to rule the town, but it was an impossible task for someone like him, the way he died after living for more than 60 years was cruel, brutal and unhuman... necromancy was used on his body after he died for a year, using his huge, strong body for evil...

it's 1975, Shanghai, Huashan Hospital, and screams of a young woman having birth were all across the halls, and corridors, that was when Zhu Hong was born, his destiny was assigned the moment he was born to be a reincarnated samurai, being the same person but with a different life, name, and purpose, Zhu was not like any other Chinese kid, he was so smart, good at almost everything, while he grew up in a middle-class family, his interest for supernaturals, superheroes increased within time, from watching movies which are ''fake'' to reading books about mythologies, real ones... around the age of 16 he started having flashbacks in his sleep of being a mighty samurai, fighting evil and supernatural evil creatures, he thought they were normal dreams, until one day when he was at a museum, looking around the statues figures and ancient stuff until he encountered an old but ancient katana... the Odachi, to what resulted as a replica... anyways, while staring at it he felt a really weird feeling, like it belonged to him, or the urge to touch it, feel it, USE IT... Zhu got closer to the katana, trying to touch it, the security was a mean one, so he rushed toward Zhu and tackled him to the ground, when he bumped into him, Zhu went into a coma, more of ''Awakening'', while getting awakened, he got more flashbacks of when he was a samurai, how he dealt with this transition and how he figured out the rest, when Zhu woke up he found himself in the hospital, in a room... there was his mother and father waiting for him to wake up, a new feeling flowed in his body, he felt a change, a change for the better...

After some weeks, of reading about his flashbacks and what he's seeing, finally he reads about a brotherhood, united and never been broken before, the Akashic Brotherhood, masters of Do, he searches for ways to reach them and tries to contact them by any chance, he eventually reads about an old temple that has Do masters, so he suspects it's them, he approaches the place, gets in contact of the people inside, surprisingly he gets asked to get in a private place, private room with only a few people in, he gets asked so many questions, how did you find us, how do you know us, who are you and more... he answers all of them, explains what happened and happens to him occasionally, they understand what Zhu's going through, after some chit-chatting, he gets taught everything, from what happened to him, to how to use his powers and grow them, explore new spheres, teaching him martial arts, letting him master certain moves... after many years of training, making him the great samurai he once was, he finally got to the test, whether he's ready to go have a purpose, on his own or not... in the fight, he was struggling fighting for hiw own life, he then hardly wins and grants his own sword, a Odachi, he was also invited to become an Akashic, joining wasn't an easy journey for him, but it wasn't the end, it was merely the start... he was sent to Dillimore by his Sifus (Master) to maintain order, try and control the supernatural society, starting small then going big, his purpose now is look for fellow Mages, discover what they are, learn more, although he almost knows pretty much every other race, he still has to encounter them, maybe work with them, fight them? ... {Futre developing will occur in the Server!}

[I would like also to apply for MA 3 or 4 whatever mods sees suitable.]

Exclusive Mage-related Merits/Flaws/Backgrounds:


Backgrounds:Past Lives (4pt. Background): Having passed the wheel of reincarnation, you still vividly recall memories of your past life.
Past Lives (Continued): Previously, you were known as  Endō Ujisato, a renowned enlightened ronin Samurai from the Edo period.

Avatar 2pts.
Alternate Identity 2pts.

Last edited by HLerx on 19/11/2022, 12:41; edited 1 time in total

description[Akashayana] Zhu Hong EmptyRe: [Akashayana] Zhu Hong

Very nice, accepted as Arete 2, you can start with Martial Arts 3 for the time being and as for Do, we'll see to it accordingly when the need arises. Welcome to ARETE LIFE
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