Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  Empty[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

Host Name: Darius Graham
True Name: Xanathel
Celestial Name: Ascleipus
Character Concept: Healer
Character Age: 30
Starting Faith rating: 3
House: Scourge
Faction: Reconciler

Lores: Winds, Awakening, Firmament
House Lore (Primary): Awakening
House Lore: Winds
Common Lore (Common): Fundament

Low Torment Apocalyptic Form Capabilities:
Enhanced Ability (3pt. Visage): The difficulty on rolls involving any Ability drops by two while in her apocalyptic form. [Medicine-based checks]
Improved Attribute [Stamina] (3pt. Visage): One of the demon’s Attributes increases by two in revelatory form.
Wings (4pt. Visage): The character can glide up to three times her running speed per turn; Can also fly.
Perfect Balance (1 point Visage): The difficulty for all Athletics rolls involving leaping and tumbling decreases by two.

High Torment Apocalyptic Form Capabilities:
Enhanced Survival (1pt. Visage): The difficulty of all Survival rolls decreases by two.
Claws/Teeth (1pt. Visage): The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength + 2 aggravated damage.
Gaping Maw (2pt. Visage): The demon can chew and digest anything it can get its teeth on. Metal, stone and flesh can all be ground
Gaping Maw (Continued): up and digested with ease. The difficulties of bite attacks decrease by two, and the maw inflicts Strength + 4 aggravated damage.
Thorns (1pt. Visage): Inflict one level of aggravated damage to any attacker who successfully strikes/grapples the demon in unarmed combat.

Character's Nature / Demeanor:
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Soldier

Character Story:

Before time and space, matter and existence were left to the Angels' duty to make that happen, to make it so, for it's the Creator's will. What was Xanathel responsible for? Breathing life and hope into modern-day Terra, taking care of the faithful, and teaching them villages here and there with various methods of healing.

Why did he join Lucifer in the rebellion he led unsuccessfully against the Havens' host? Well, Lucifer cared about the humans on Earth, as close, maybe even, as much as the Asharu, our house, who was and still is caring about humanity. Some of us felt the wind of change blowing another way, like Xanathel and many others who joined Lucifer's cause. Ultimately, they did not succeed in their valiant fight, making them descend and become something different, something corrupt ones would say, others, would say they were liberated from the Angels' restrictions. His new residence was Hell, and it wasn't one of the most pleasant places he'd visited, but it was a place you could call home. It was a twisted place in his mind, like they were meant to fall, and feel guilty for their choice. But as scared as Xanathel was, he thought making the best decision; was to see how he *maybe* could earn a semblance of hope, maybe not coming back and ascending but a validation that his actions weren't evil. Finding his way back to the humans he beloved help create, he came back.

He was roaming the towns of a place that resided in a partly desert part of the Earth. After a while of searching and feeling one person whose life was on the tip of a knife; He saw a man's sorrow and guilt, being on edge, at the breaking point, with a bottle of scotch on the nightstand next to him and a gun pointing towards him; He managed to fill the sadness and sorrow of Andrew Graham's soul and decided to set it free to filling his own self into the new host he would reside in.

Slowly but surely possessing the new body came along with some advantages and some downsides, as everything always does. Andrew's life became Xanathel as the process was being completed, and he learnt what he has gone through, pain, suffering, hardship, and almost no affection of any kind, he was a doctor. Maybe a little different than the others, but a doctor who had the gift of giving life; And as well surviving the outcomes that will follow after. A few weeks into the job he managed to make a deal with an Alzheimer patient, and a churchgoer, her being unsure of what to believe, but Andrew Graham would show her the way.

What he realized after he took over Andrew and his memories, is that he needs to being again; To start anew and remember what thoughts his new appearance held, and where to start...  

Exclusive Demon Merits/Flaws/Backgrounds:
Angelic Aura (1pt. Merit): The difficulty of all Charisma and Appearance rolls decreases by one when interacting with mortals.

Angelic Gaze (1pt. Merit): The difficulty of all Leadership, Intimidation or Empathy rolls decreases by one.

Atavistic Form (2pt. Merit): Difficulty for Social rolls decreases by one with mortals when in apocalyptic form.
Atavistic Form (Continued): Difficulty to resist Revelation effect is up by one.


Common Sense (1pt. Merit): Whenever she’s about to act in a way that’s contrary to common sense, The ST can warn you off.

Natural Aptitude (3pt. Merit): You also gain one extra die on any roll involving that Ability. (Medicine-Based Rolls)

Perfect Balance (1pt. Merit): This allows you to reduce the difficulty of all balance-related rolls by two.


Demanding Career (2pt. Flaw): Reduce your character’s Resources by at least one point, if he should quit his job.

Distinguishing Characteristics (1pt. Flaw): Your character’s mortal body has a physical feature that stands out; Scars, hidden.

Lustful (2pt. Flaw): The difficulty of any attempts to seduce her decreases by two.

Poor Eyesight (1pt. Flaw): Increase the difficulty by two for any rolls that involve visual acuity. Correctable with glasses.

Vice (1pt. Flaw): Your character is addicted to some sort of substance. Small sips of alcohol from a hip flask;

Legacy: 3
Resources: 3
Pacts: 2
Paragon: 2
Mentor: 1

Last edited by AndrewDan on 24/11/2022, 03:54; edited 5 times in total

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

You should edit the Common Lore.

Lore of Firmament is not common.

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

Fixed it!

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

You forgot to detail the Sixth Maelstrom’s effects on the Abyss and it being the reason of your escape.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that upon possessing another as a fallen, in the beginning all you remember is the victim’s memories, completely forgetting about the fallen. Remembering takes time, seeing that you have Legacy 3, it wouldn’t be so long but still it is a good thing to keep in mind while writing the story.

All things considered, based on the effort invested, I’m willing to give you a shot at it.


description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham


The Host is a Devil High Torment visage, and thus would cost 3 pts, rather than 2.

Please readjust your visages accordingly.

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

Thank you for your prompt intervention, Danteric.

I stand corrected, did not notice that.

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

Visage has been readjusted, please, go on take a look! Very Happy

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

Accepted unless overruled again.

description[Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham  EmptyRe: [Scourge] [Reconciler] Darius Graham

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