The Dillimore Town Council has signed into force a law that aims to boost the economy & trade of the town. The Aspiring Entrepreneurs Assistance Program (AEAP) is a new program instituted by the council to aid aspiring entrepreneurs in starting up their new businesses.

The requirements to enroll in the program are as follows:

  • Must have a high school diploma or equivalent degree.
  • Must have a certification related to their profession of interest.
  • Registered as a federal taxpayer.
  • No criminal record in the last twenty-four (24) months.
  • Must have a good bank statement.

The benefits of this program and how it works:

Aspiring entrepreneurs will have to reach the town hall and collect form I-108 J from the receptionist in which they will describe their vision, business model and the amount of funds required (minimum $5,000 to maximum of $15,000). Any previous experience with their choice of business may also be included for extra points.
Once the form is filled in, it will have to be returned to the Town Hall along with all the required documents. (( DM richärd#8794 ))

You will receive a reply within 2 to 3 business days and will receive the following:

  1. Your required amounts of funds.
  2. A leased building for your business if required.
  3. Business permit valid as long as you are enrolled in the program.

For the repayment of the loan, you may start with the payments after eleven (11) months have passed and either return it all in one lump sum payment or in episodic payments after a set time (ie: monthly). The interest rate on the lump-sum payment will be charged 6.5% and 8% for episodic payments.

~ Dillimore Town Council