www.illumination.org/lapidary Unknown

Ever wanted a nice ring for marriage but the ones you found looked basic? Always wanted a necklace that has an eye-looking shard? Or perhaps a gem that helps you sleep a restful sleep with no dreams to remember, and nothing to wake you up?

We offer our services of the aforementioned, accompanied by many others. All of the orders are customizable, hand-made, and picked by our finest lapidarist.

The prices all vary based on the order, and the order is based off:
— Resources being used
— Time being consumed
— Mystical attributes being offered
— Delivery distance (Free if the customer picks up the item!)

While our services can be fully custom-made, we offer generic items as well!
Generic Items wrote:

www.illumination.org/lapidary Unknown
1. The Ring of the Restless ($350)
It is believed it helps the wielder to sleep a restful night for once.

www.illumination.org/lapidary RED-EYE-NECKLACE-2
2. Charmful Eye ($350)
It is believed it helps the wielder have a stroke of higher luck in charming someone.

www.illumination.org/lapidary 7-chakra-healing-tree-of-life-natural-crystal-necklace-pendant-156968_1200x630
3. Gates of Heaven ($750)
The necklace helps the wielder in recovering from their injuries quicker, both physically and mentally.

To place an order please fill out the following form.


[b]Phone Number:[/b]
[b]Address:[/b] Only filled by those who do NOT wish to come and pick up their item, or require delivery.
[b]Item:[/b] Ring, necklace, glove, etc. (Yes, we do accept swords)
[b]Item Description:[/b] Materials, gems preferences, mythical properties desired, etc.

After the form was sent through, a confirmation will be sent accompanied by the price for such item, and the request for payment method. We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Payment on Delivery.