Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

Character Name: Arielle Manabat
Character Concept: Scenester / Outcast
Character Age: 18
Avatar Essence: Dynamic
Starting Arete Rating: 2
Faction: Disparates
Paradigm: One-Way Trip To Oblivion
Practices (2 - 3): Chaos Magick, Crazy Wisdom, High Ritual Magick
Starting Spheres (6 Points to share): Time 2, Forces 1, Mind 1, Life 1, Prime 1
Instruments (7 - 10): Drugs, Emotions, Eye Contact, Symbols, Voice, Gestures, Music, Elements, Thoughts, Dreams

Character's Nature / Demeanor: Loner (D), Kid (N)

Character Story:

Los Santos, 1987.

The streets were rampant with gangs & violence. Crime was the norm & everybody looked at crime like it was part of a day's mundanity. From left to right, kids below the age of eighteen sold drugs. Heroin, marijuana, cough meds & opiates, you name it. If the city of Rome is the heart of Christianity, 28th Street in El Corona, is the heart of drugs & crime in '87 Los Santos. Rival gangs would buck shots at one another using guns with manually erased serial numbers. The line between legal & illegal was no longer a thing. It was hell on Earth and the physical result of a capitalistic failure. Poverty created desperation, and desperation led to unwanted & forced decisions. This very street or "calle" as what her family calls it, is where Arielle was born. A healthy kid at a young age, quite stout & fat as a baby. Like most children in this area, she grew up fatherless. It's the classic fatherless in the hood story. However, one thing you wouldn't expect in a "hood" story, is her lack of ability to fit in with the other hood babies. Arielle was mostly seen as eccentric and different. Nobody hangs out with her due to her different interests and taste. While most of the teenagers around the hood was gang-banging and working their way inside gangs (including females), Arielle mostly kept to her own. She had an inner circle and was very picky with selecting who to kick it as well. Their recreational activities consisted of tag-banging (also known as graffiti), marijuana, shoplifting & pulling silly pranks on random people. By '93, Arielle was facing insecurities about not being "tough" enough for the circle. Despite the circle consisting mostly of outcasts, they nonetheless held some weird criteria or standard about ensuring you're strong enough to fit in. It almost started to work like a gang & despite Arielle being a founding member of the circle, there was plenty of animosity towards her. With all the pressure being thrown at her, she makes horrible decisions & ultimately lands in jail, facing a serious nearly felony case of theft. She basically broke into a jewel store & tried to pull an amateur heist by herself, naive about the kind of security that jewel stores hold. Subsequently, had her age been above eighteen? She would've been facing years in jail. Luckily, the district attorney offered her a plea deal & she was able to swerve off from juvenile correction and only make do with a 6-month community service.

Post Probation & Awakening, 2003.

After being on probation for six months, Arielle's parents decided that moving out to Dillimore was the better choice. Clearly the neighborhood was making her unhinged & screwed in the head morally, physically & hell, legally. Arielle's mother vividly saw what was coming if she allowed her daughter to continue being a stuck-up teenager hanging out with criminal freaks & goths. Unfortunately however, this was just gonna be another case of the cobra effect, otherwise known as a perverse incentive. This basically means that the intention & purpose behind why a certain action was done is totally the opposite of what actually comes out as the result. This just drove Arielle to lose her sanity, having been deprived from what she believed was her purpose. Arielle became more melancholic day by day and began to adopt nihilistic world views. As her nihilism continued to brew & grow in her exponentially, she began to lose interest in basically anything. She lost her motivation to play musical instruments, hang out with friends and her studies. Her grades fell faster than the twin towers & was told by her teachers to step her academics up. However, she continued on with her habits of generally not giving a fuck & just doing what pleases her. Her mindset turned to believing that the whole Earth's going to be entirely wiped out one day, so she lived a hedonistic mixed with YOLO kind of life. Infused with the determination to reap what she could while still alive & before the Earth gets fucked to pieces, she persisted with her oblivious, hedonistic, nihilistic habits. Up until one day, her teachers grew remarkably concerned & decided to contact her mother. Upon bringing the matter to the table, the old habits of Arielle's mother surfaced the waters. Her being an ex-heroin addict became a factor that most of the faculty believed to be the big reason why Arielle became the living definition of a depressed stuck-up, upon which subsequently brought Child Services to involvement after the guidance counselor decided to get the government into the mix. This led to the separation of a mother & daughter, fucking up Arielle's mental even more. On the very day they were destined to be separated, she simply sat in silence with a heart filled with anger towards society. To her, this was the last & final nail. She was done putting up with shit. During the moment she manifested actual & authentic belief to her thoughts, ultimately driving her Avatar to absolutely rape her with thoughts of epiphany. Arielle is now awakened. She now actually believes what she thinks & says. While before, her nihilistic views, her "Oh, it's all for nothing!" attitude were simply her excuses to be lazy, it's now even worse. I mean, what could go wrong? Her Avatar manifests itself to her, giving her the ability to slightly manipulate reality to her will & beliefs via Quintessence. There's too much power that an angry, spoiled teenager hold. It's a dark, path road for Arielle. What used to be a bubbly, slightly different kid is now a nihilistic hate machine that simply wishes nothing but reap & scrape what's left before the apocalypse hits. What could go wrong?

Unalike & Hateful, Her Newfound Power, 2004.

It's now an era wherein Arielle has the capability of bending reality to her will. With her Avatar on her side, she now knows that nothing can stop her. However, in its initial stages, the awakening & what she went through while undergoing it ultimately broke her heart. It broke the main fabric of what made her a decent human being. This is why the phrase of "Sometimes, it's better if you don't know too much." holds true in Arielle's case. In her head, there's literally no point in living the world other than acquiring Earthly pleasure. There had been Technocrats & even magi from most of the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions that made attempts to talk some sense into her, but all she saw were snakes that were driven by malicious intent in using her & her newfound power as another pawn into their goals. She wasn't about to become another brick in the massive wall that the Council was building, despite her simply having the Council's intentions misconstrued. To her, reality is very subjective, and to her, it was better if she believed in her own reality rather than believing in another's. As a result of her stubbornness and her generally anti-establishment, anti-authority kind of attitude, she was left to fend for her own as a freshly awoken mage. However, though she may be a hypocrite in some way saying that she prefers her own reality in contrast to others, Arielle took her time to study the greats from the Council. While her general character definition might get her to deny this, Arielle's a huge Cultist wannabe. She simply doesn't want to admit it. I mean, come on. All her practices & instruments are heavily inspired by the Cult of Ecstasy. It's simply her pride & ego barring her from progressing & working with other magi which is kind of a paradox that she's placed herself in. She constantly wonders why there's no progress while obliviously causing the issue herself. Arielle needs to learn that no man is an island & be mentored for once. However, all that lies on Arielle's decisions & the choices she makes. Now alone & living by herself in a sole apartment in Dillimore, she kills time by doing drugs & "self-teaching" herself with new magick, which most of the time, come fruitless. Yes, folks. Stupid mages exist and Arielle's a prime example.

Much More Tamed, Much Less Worried, 2005.

In this day & age, Arielle has grew even milder. However, her previous screw-ups and her generally dislikeable attitude caused her connections to scram & basically stay the fuck away from her. Now that she finally gets the stick out of her ass & realizes that she needs a mentor and somebody to lean on, she's left without options. She's actively on the prowl for a decent mentor that can help her achieve her goals, which is to, again, reap as much as she can before the world gets turned to a fricking pancake. She's desperate for it, to be highly blunt about it. However, unlike her old, spoiled past self, all throughout the years, she's learned to be somewhat of an adult herself. A prime example was putting herself through months of work & the unspeakable horror of experimenting & going through botched results trying to progress her Time sphere in her little girl cave filled with mystic books. It was basically all a shit show & Arielle simply threw shit on the wall as many as possible and waited for one to stick, and it did. After upping her primary sphere a bit, she gains self-confidence, but still doesn't deny the fact that she desperately needs guidance. Arielle's character in on itself is a huge paradox. She likes to deny that she can handle it all alone & is independent (hence her loner demeanor) but in reality? She's a spoiled kid that constantly needs guidance or somebody that she could generally lean on. As of now, Arielle simply functions through instant ramen & drugs. She's made friends here and there but never the kind of friendships that she's had as a child. What she went through damaged her completely & the silver lining was her Avatar popping up & helping her in the self-teaching sessions, but that can only do so much. Her being that way may sound cool or awesome to a sleeper, but in her perspective, it's all dark, empty and roadless. It's like being at a crossroads without knowing which way to go. She's lost and she somewhat caused it herself. It all ultimately depends on her & her future choices as to how her awakened life would eventually entail.

Exclusive Mage related Merits/Flaws/Backgrounds:
Merits: 17

Concentration (1pt. Merit)
Confidence (2pt. Merit)
Daredevil (3pt. Merit)
Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit)
Acute Sense (1pt. Merit)
Poker Face (2pt. Merit)
Iron Will (3pt. Merit)
Oracular Ability (3pt. Merit)

Flaws: 12

Addiction (3pt. Flaw) - Methamphetamine, heroin & other opiates
Primal Marks (3pt. Flaw) - A birthmark on the face that mildly resembles that of a spider
Vengeful (2pt. Flaw) - Government in on itself & its officials/entities
Nightmares (1pt. Flaw)
Short (1pt. Flaw)
Echoes (2pt. Flaw)

Backgrounds: 7

Avatar (3pt. Background)
Contacts (2pt. Background)
Resources (2pt. Background)
Dream/Hypercram (2pt. Background)
Library (3pt. Background)

Last edited by angelscure on 28/11/2022, 04:16; edited 2 times in total

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyRe: Arielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

You forgot to use your 7 Free Background Dots that you receive from simply being a Mage.

Also, are you planning to go Orphan or will you choose a faction from the Disparates?

Other than that, looking good.

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyRe: Arielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

I've revised the Backgrounds section.

I'm also going for Hollow Ones as my character's faction.

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyRe: Arielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

Hello thank you for applying for mage race, here's a few points I'd like to refer to:

You're limited to 7 flaws script-wise, so if you really want the other few, we can add them to your roleplay features.
(So get the first 7 you want in game in exact points, and ask for admins to set the rest up for you)

Primal Marks is a 3pt. Flaw, so you can calculate accordingly.

And a final question,

Where did you get the merit: Hollow Soul from?

Besides that, everything looks fine to me!

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyRe: Arielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

Hollow Soul merit is a mistake, sorry. I've changed it to Oracular Ability instead.

In regards to the other concerns, they sound fine enough to me!

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyRe: Arielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

C'est accepter.

descriptionArielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones] EmptyRe: Arielle Manabat - [Disparates] - [Hollow Ones]

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