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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionGuide for Vampire Race EmptyGuide for Vampire Race

Guide for Vampire Race LrY1T2g

Guide for Vampire Race IdiXkhK

Guide for Vampire Race Zo8KGaS
Welcome to the Beginner's Guide to Vampires. This will serve as a very brief introductory to the race. If it peaks your interest, you can then apply for it. Note that this does not serve as a replacement for the books. You should probably still read those if you have the time. This covers only the basics, without diving too much into mechanics or the terminology. If there is something that you don't understand, feel welcome to ask on Discord. Additional resources such as WhiteWolf Wiki and The Gentleman's Guide to Vampires (Video format) can also be helpful to you.

Guide for Vampire Race 5idrqV2
A Vampire is an undead creature, resulting from a mutation or 'curse' at the time of death. This mutation is by no means accidental, read more under Creation. The defining traits of a Vampire is their enhanced endurance and lifeless immortality.
  • Clinically dead, they do not age from the moment of their death. Their skin instead pales further as their age increases. In that sense, Vampires can live forever.
  • Vampires do not breathe.
  • Vampires do not have a heartbeat.
  • Vampires do not gain any nourishment from beverages and food. Food cannot be digested by vampires and is thus vomited.
  • Vampires animate their bodies by expending blood each night.
  • Vampires are nocturnal creatures and have a natural aversion to sunlight. Those who can't withstand direct sunlight will burst into flames after short contact.
  • Vampires secrete blood instead of any other bodily fluids.
  • Vampires are immune to most diseases, drugs and poisons.

Guide for Vampire Race J5rwute
The origins of vampirism are muddled history in the 21st century. Very few vampires live long enough to recall or trace their origins, and those who are old enough seldom surface to share such information. There are rumors, myths and legends in almost every culture, but few come as close to the truth as the Noddists. Contrary to popular shows like The Originals, TVD and movies such as Twilight, Dracula and other sources - the World of Darkness vampires trace their origins all the way back to Caine, son of Adam and Eve. The third mortal and the first murderer, who slew his brother Abel and was supposedly cursed to roam the earth forever. The false myths gave rise to popular beliefs that vampires are weakened by silver, garlic, running water and other fictive information. Though some Vampires are indeed vulnerable to some of the above, most of the information from other shows, books and so on is erroneous.

Optional Dive :

Guide for Vampire Race 202cwgE
Vampires are created through the Embrace; during the Embrace, a vampire drains a candidate of all their blood and replaces it with a small amount (generally a single drop) of their own. This causes the corpse to rise as a (very hungry) vampire, usually instantly. The vampire who initiates the Embrace is the Sire; the new vampire is the Sire's Childe. The vampiric blood must come directly from the source.
  • When a vampire is Embraced, their internal organs wither away, and almost all their body fluids are replaced by blood.

  • Vampires change considerably after the Embrace. As a result of these processes, the vampire is paler and generally thinner than they were before the Embrace.

  • Death Stasis: Apart from wounds, vampires are restored to their condition at the time of Embrace every time they rise up for the night. This physical condition eventually extends to their mindsets - old vampires find it very hard to learn new things.

Guide for Vampire Race Htd0K5B
Contrary to folklore and common beliefs, Vampires are not merely bloodthirsty killing machines, solely driven by their endless hunger and immortality. On the contrary, they are not too different from normal humans, generally speaking. Following an embrace, the Vampire retains most of the characteristics from their life. Their social skills don't go down the drain in a single night, nor their knowledge, skills and talents.

There are three things that particularly affect the vampire's behavior, and those are:
-The Beast.
-Degeneration and the Path of Enlightenement the Vampire pursues. (Read more...)
-Their Clan Curse/Weakness.

The Beast is an innate demonic predator that awakens within each and every vampire upon their Embrace. It stands in direct opposition to a vampire's Humanity (and in some cases the Paths of Enlightenment) and is responsible for many of the debased urges Cainites feel on a nightly basis. In times of extreme distress the Beast can overwhelm a vampire forcing them into a state of pure animalistic fight or flight, which is referred to as Frenzy or Rötschreck. When subjected to specific stimuli such as hunger, fear, anger or other forms of strong emotion - your character risks frenzying. This results in a lapse in judgement and the unleashing of one's inner beast.
  • Fire and Sunlight, as well as other supernatural forms of fear can drive a vampire into Rotshcreck. Rotschreck will hysterically flee from whatever caused the discomfort. (Read more...)
  • When Hungry, the sight of blood can rouse a Vampire's Beast, forcing them to act upon their animalistic instincts.
  • When provoked, physically threatened or under perril - the Vampire might enter a state of Frenzy. Frenzy is when the Beast takes over the vampire's personality. (Read more...)
  • Aside from the Beast caged within each Vampire, there are behavioral changes that might tie to their clan weaknesses or curses. Though most visibly manifested in Clan Malkavian, these sudden changes are not limited to them.
  • You've recently died; probably in a very cruel fashion. As a vampire, you will retain most of your personality as a mortal, however keep in mind the changes brought about by death. Though you might still like poetry, music or fishing by the lakeside in moonlight, you need to figure out how death will fit into the mix.

Guide for Vampire Race KLJ9UrN
Some may think that vampires feel no hunger and that they can live without food forever, but for them, blood is now their actual food and hydration, a vampire doesn't need anything else, just blood. A small portion of blood used everyday for even moving.

A vampire is deemed Hungry when their Blood Pool is reduced below 3.

Usually, a vampire that hasn't fed for some time will feel hungry and, might just go berserk, after a small sight of blood or a smell of it, that's rare and depends on how hungry he is, but once he's hungry, everything to him will look like a good bite, and all by all, you should always try finding a person to feed on once you're hungry ingame. Vampires can also satiate their thirst on animal blood and bloodpacks. They are not limited to the blood of humanoid creatures. Some Vampires feed exclusively on Werewolves or even other Vampires.

Hunger, could, by a chance take over the vampires body, and act only as a predator and not a semi-human like being, you could also talk different with others once you're hungry, probably even threaten them out of that hunger.

Guide for Vampire Race BGc89Ag
Vitae is the primal essence and energy of Vampires, and also, their source of immeasurable pleasure. The amount of Blood a vampire can absorb into his body, as well as the power he can drain from it in short notice, is determined by the vampire's generation. However, one thing is true to them all: their undead bodies use a little amount of Blood each and every night to animate itself - when the Blood becomes scarce, a vampire becomes more inhumane and more prone to Frenzy, giving way to their inner Beast. Vitae is not blood itself, but the vampire's body transsubstiantes ingested blood automatically into vitae.
Vitae is used for a variety of things:
  •   Blood is often required to fuel a Vampire's Discipline and other powers.

  •   Spending blood is the only way a vampire can heal wounds.

  •   A vampire can temporarily increase their Strength, Stamina (Endurance) or Dexterity (Speed) by expending blood. This ability is possessed by all Vampires and called a Blood Buff.

  •   A Vampire can feed their blood to an animal, mortal or other vampires. This results in a Blood Bond and/or a ghoulification process.

  •   Using blood, a vampire may will himself to appear more human for some time. Flushing their skin, emulating breathing and other superficial effects can be faked.

  •   Blood is spent automatically each night a vampire animates their body.

Guide for Vampire Race Vd7gi3g
Discplines are a vampire's inherent powers. Proficiency in a powerful discipline often determines the victor in a battle, though not all of them are suited for battle. Aside from their inherent immortal condition and the ability to use vitae to regenerate wounds and improve their strength, dexterity and stamina, proficience in a Discipline gives the vampire additional supernatural abilities of great strategic value.

There are seventeen "main" Disciplines that are well known and relatively common, but there are also a variety of much rarer Disciplines which are unique to particular clans or are practiced by bloodlines and Thin-Blooded vampires.

Training in each of the Disciplines provides the Cainite with several related powers such as superhuman speed, strength, resilience, command over animals, shapeshifting abilities, sensory powers, the ability to dominate the minds of other creatures and many more.

As an Initiation character, you will unlock three disciplines inherent to your own Clan, with one dot in each of them. The Disciplines your character can have depend on your clan, generation, and sometimes age. However, bear in mind you can learn Disciplines from other clans or players.

Click here for an extended list of all the Vampire powers.

Guide for Vampire Race 30DAfId
Generations are an indicator of one's blood potency and potential. Generations increase with each Embrace, starting with the first generation vampire which is Caine. Think of it as a very elaborate, contorted and stretched out family tree. At the roots is Caine, followed by the murdered 2nd generation childer, and then the Antediluvians which formed the 13 Greater Clans. Each new vampire bears their Sire's generation +1. As such, if your Sire's blood potency was that of a 8th generation vampire, you would become 9th generation. If you are 13th generation, then it means your sire was 12th generation.

The lower your Generation, the stronger and purer your vampiric blood is. Low generation provides several benefits. Dominate cannot be used on vampires of a lower generation than the character, and some other Disciplines are weaker as well. The number of blood points a Cainite can spend a turn and the maximum size of their blood pool also increases as generation is lowered.

Luckily, you are not bound to your generation. By diablerizing (cannibalizing) a vampire of a greater potency, you can usurp their place on the family tree. You will thus become more powerful and gain greater blood potency.

Guide for Vampire Race 38hcrcP
The Kindred across the world are organized, often tied together by lineage, common goals and other associations. Irrespective of their age and clan, few Kindred choose to shun all organizations and become solitary 'hermits'. Kindred are social creatures by nature, and they can seldom relate to humans. Vampires are thus split into organizations of varying sizes.
    Clan: A vampire group of shared "Blood" or heritage, who can trace their Generations back to a common ancestor, in particular to the Third Generation.

A Kindred's clan is his lineage, the vampiric "family" into which he was Embraced. The clans are distinguished by their Antediluvian founders. Kindred society generally acknowledges 13 clans tonight, though some may have been lost to history, some may exist in secrecy, and some may never have been known.

Each clan has its own organization and culture that is considered important by its members, and though individuals are rarely willing to make any self-sacrifice for their clanmates, a general sense of understanding often elicits some preference for those of similar blood. Likewise, since vampires of any particular clan are often grouped together for political means, such as representation among the primogen of a city, they may work together and present a unified front out of necessity.

The 13 major clans:
Spoiler :

There are also 'lesser' clans, namely Bloodlines. They represent offshoots of a Clan, with fewer members or less power. Though they have made their mark on history, neither of the Bloodlines can contend with the greater clans, and their members are scattered around the world in thin numbers or concentrated in very specific areas.

Coteries - The Camarilla term used to define a group of a few Kindred who band together under a common goal. Safety in numbers and common prosperity appeal to most neonates.

Packs - Mostly used by the Sabbat, it represents a few Vampires tied together by a bond called the Viniculum. Members of a pack usually share the same goals and often fight together, boasting good cooperation and an unrivaled yet sadistic brotherly bond.

A sect is an organization of vampires who agree in some way on a common goal. Perhaps not the means to achieve that goal. Often times one joins a sect for protection or because of ideological alignments. Such as one might join the Sabbat if they are considered heretical to the Camarilla. As the term goes, "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend."

The Camarilla: The largest organization of vampires in existence. Often made up of primary clans, whom have banded together the Camarilla is also the most strict organization. Their structure consists of a hierarchy in which all are not represented as even close to equal. Their laws are known as the Traditions, the enforcement of which are overseen by a Prince.

The Sabbat: The Sabbat is an end of the world cult, which is organized behind the ideal that Caine, the first vampire will return. The Sabbat is also known as the Sword of Caine, they firmly believe mortals are less than them and disregard the masquerade or veil in favor of the ideology that "Slaves shall Serve". They follow the Code of Milan which represents the ideologies of the clans bound within the Sabbat.

The Anarchs: "We might not know what we're for, but we know what we're against." Is the slogan of the Anarch of the modern nights. They want more freedom, they are against the grasp of the Camarilla, but not entirely, or maybe not at all. Change from within is the best kind of change! The Anarchs agree there needs to be a change, but most of them don't know what that change is, or how to achieve it. The Camarilla consider them a rebelling teenage child and therefore govern them as their own.

The Others: Across the world many lesser sects have sprung up. The Inconnu, The Tal'Mahe'Ra and a few others still struggle in the shadows. The lesser sects boast more secrecy and their clandestine goals are safely guarded.

Guide for Vampire Race CIyXdUQ
The Traditions are the fundamental laws of Kindred society, presumably handed down by Caine himself. These were commonly adopted and set in stone by the Camarilla Sect, and are now enforced heavily on all Vampires, whether or not they reside in their domains. The Traditions is comprised of six laws, which outline the way vampiric society is meant to operate in the world.

  • First Tradition: The MasqueradeThou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood.Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.The Masquerade is arguably the most important Tradition. It stipulates that Kindred must not reveal themselves to Kine (humans/mortals). Whether accidentally or on purpose, violations of this rule are generally met with death if the fuck up is severe and hard to cover up. The Camarilla actively pursues such violations and make sure the secrets are well hidden, but this is getting harder and harder in the Final Nights. There are several things that can count as a violation, this list is brief and does not limit itself to: - Showing your fangs, claws, supernatural deformities and other vampirism features in public.- Using extraordinary speed, or flashy feats of strength. Displaying inhuman resilience and other physically impossible things.- Using supernatural abilities in public, save for subtle disciplines such as Dominate, Presence, etc. If you shapeshift into a bird and fly away from a few thugs, expect serious repercussions once the Camarilla finds out. - Regenerating your wounds in public.- Telling people that you are a Vampire, whether or not they believe you. [/li]

  • Second Tradition: The DomainThy domain is thine own concern.All others owe thee respect while in it.None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.Mostly referring to the authority and edicts of a Prince, this rule stipulates that they are in charge and may dictate terms according to their wishes. This rule is not always enforced by the larger sect, and there have been known cases of staged Coup d'Etat or Camarilla themselves involving their lieutenants into domain affairs. [/li]

  • Third Tradition: The ProgenyThou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder.If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.This rule simply means you cannot create other Vampires unless you're specifically given permission. [/li]

  • Fourth Tradition: The AccountingThose thou create are thine own children.Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things.Their sins are thine to endure.This rule stipulates that a Sire is responsible for their Childe (the vampire they created) until they learn the ropes and are capable of managing on their own. If you embrace a Vampire and they break the veil, you may be punished accordingly for neglecting to teach them properly. [/li]

  • Fifth Tradition: The HospitalityHonor one another's domain.When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.This is a very important rule, one you are expected to follow as well. It stipulates that as a newly arrived Vampire, you must present yourself to whoever is in charge of the domain and introduce yourself. This is often done in the Elysium or other vampire gatherings, but may also be handled privately. A proper form of introduction as dictated by etiquette must include your Clan, sire and prior origins. You may also be asked to define a goal for your visit. [/li]

  • Sixth Tradition: The DestructionThou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind.The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder.Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt. This law stipulates that Vampires are strictly forbidden from killing another vampire. There are obviously exceptions to this rule, and a blind eye is occasionally turned to some crimes of this order. In times of war, mistakes can happen. Generally, you would need a very serious reason to attack another vampire directly.[/li]

Guide for Vampire Race DInCJJE
Before you dive into character creation and try to create a Vampire, you first ought to ascertain and understand what this roleplay implies. There are a few focuses for your character. As an initial applicant, you will be portraying a recently embraced fledgeling. As a beginner, your role will be to learn, adapt and grow.

Walking the Rope:
The first thing you'll need to do is learn how the local society operates. You will need to find the proper ways to find other Vampires and mingle with them. It is common knowledge that they delve in the Club Red of the Elysium. Common knowledge to the Camarilla and Sabbat, of course. The domain is run by a Brujah Elder called Isaac Wylcoff. As a fledgeling, you will need to learn how to follow the Traditions and what the elaborate rules of undead society demand of you.

Combining Forces:
Another thing you could focus on is finding other vampires of similar interests and allying yourself with them. Having grouped up, you can then undertake missions and such to bolster your resources or gain boons from the Camarilla elders. Together you can practice, share disciplines among each other and so on.

The Camarilla:
Having initiated yourself in the domain, you will then become a direct subsidiary of the sect, perhaps unwillingly so. As such, the option presents itself for you to struggle and rise through the ranks. Some of the roleplay you do may relate to finding the favor of elders and gaining their guidance and training, proving your worth to them and progressing through the ranks of your local Sect. Though the position of Seneschal is far fetched, there may be a role for you to play!

Power Struggle:

Another core aspect of vampire roleplay is the power struggle. As a Fledgeling, you are liable to mess up. Your weakness will end in punishment. There will also be others who constantly try to get at you. You will need to get stronger, whether in the number of allies, resources - or simply strong. Your character will embark on a journey to gain more powers and disciplines, and when they feel ready - perhaps even lower their Generation by canibalizing their seniors.

Below you will find the list of clans you can choose from without an elaborate application.

WhiteWolf Wikipedia

descriptionGuide for Vampire Race EmptyRe: Guide for Vampire Race


Guide for Vampire Race CqKrwMX
Originally, you will be able to select one of the following clans. Veteran players who are knowledgeable in World of Darkness & mechanics may apply for rare bloodlines and the remaining clans. You will also be restricted to 13th Generation. Review the Beginner's Race Acquisition guide for additional details.

  • Brujah :Quote: "I'll give you a head start. You're the tortoise and I'm the hare -- a pissed-off, fuck-the-world hare with a score to settle and a thirst like the devil's own."


    Sect: For all its rebellion, Clan Brujah generally considers itself a member of the Camarilla. Young Rabble sometimes look to the wildness of the Sabbat, but elders assert that the Ivory Tower provides a fine structure against which to rage.The legacy of the Brujah is one of halcyon greatness marred by their own fiery natures. Theirs was the glory of ancient Carthage, but Ventrue treachery in ancient Rome brought the dream to an end. Since then, the Brujah have borne a grudge.Tonight, the Brujah are rebels and provocateurs, bat-swinging hooligans, and agents of change in a society long crippled by stasis. As rebels, it's in their nature to challenge the status quo -- though sometimes, without adequate opposition, they embody the status quo themselves. It works out fine, because there's always a hot-blooded Brujah waiting in the wings to bring down an uppity Clanmate grown too comfortable in the role of rebel-turned-dictator.More so than any other Clan, the Brujah still feel the flames of the passions that once inspired them as mortals. Clan Brujah loves a cause and is quick to act on a stirring speech, accusation of injustice, or a call to arms. This connection to passion can be a blessing, but inspiration can also yield to the madness and hunger of the Beast.
    No wise Prince turns his back on the Brujah, and rare is the Brujah who would allow herself to be manipulated or pandered to. A Brujah is her own master, first and foremost, and those who would bring her to heel face a terrible task. A Brujah who thinks she's getting the short end of the stick will tear an enemy to ribbons first and maybe remember to ask questions later, no matter if he's a Primogen or a mortal authority.
    Some Kindred historians claim that the Brujah have parlayed their ancient betrayal into a role as agitators against the very order that they help support. Others claim the Brujah have long since submitted to the will of that same order, being little more than loyal opposition rendered impotent. Most Brujah don't care either way, as long as someone needs a good ass-kicking and they can be the ones to deliver it.
    Origin Example :

  • Gangrel
    :Quote: "This is not a place for you, and it is too late to turn back. Run, little man."


    Sect: The Gangrel have left the Camarilla and the clan now claims Independent status (Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, page 428, found under the section on Assamite developments). For a long time the Gangrel belonged to the Camarilla, but the Clan has always had a vocal faction that spurns membership in any Sect. They claim that political games and social structures do nothing for the primal Gangrel.A glint of red eyes in the darkness, the scent of a predator's musk, a flash of fangs, the sound of flesh tearing: These mark the presence of the Gangrel. More than any other Clan, the Gangrel resemble the beasts associated with the legends of vampires: Bats, wolves, and other creatures of darkness. Indeed, the Outlanders may develop the ability to transform themselves into these and other, more primal forms.The Gangrel have other characteristics in common with animals as well. Many shun the elaborate social constructs of both Kindred and kine. A number of them prefer to move alone or as a member of small packs or coteries. Most are tough and, when pressed, ferocious. And when Gangrel succumb to the depredations of the Beast, they are left with some feature redolent of the animal kingdom.As a Clan, the Gangrel are wary and aloof. Most would prefer to spend their nights stalking prey or wilding on the rooftops than minding Princely edicts or lobbying for recognition of domain. Theirs is a tense relationship with vampire society, and Outlanders are among the most frequent to turn Anarch or Autarkis. In some localities, the Gangrel have collectively abandoned membership in any Sect -- insofar as the Gangrel truly ever do anything collectively.The Jyhad seems less pronounced among the Gangrel than it is among other Clans, and the Outlanders have little regard for the eternal conflict. Differences between Gangrel more often fall along the lines of domain and feeding rights than they do on generational mistrust, and the things that concern young Outlanders are matters that concern Gangrel ancillae and even elders. Still, one would be hard-pressed to consider the relationship among Gangrel of different generations amicable, except in isolated sire-childe situations. The Beast is ever suspicious of those who would take sustenance from it.

    Origin Example :

  • Toreador
    :Quote: "Long after you die, I will still be young, beautiful, and adored by everyone whose life I touch."

    Clan Disciplines: AUSPEX, CELERITY, PRESENCE

    Sect: The Camarilla would not have survived in the nights following the Anarch Revolt without substantial participation from the Toreador, and they remain among its most ardent supporters.From the Toreador perspective, when the sun fades, darkness gives rise to an eternal and wondrous world. Everything is fraught with wonder and terror, low politics and sensual glories, the profound and the profane, and an undeniable undercurrent of the sanguinary. These Kindred are the Toreador, and they spend unlives ensconced in pleasure.Of course, for vampires of this disposition, it's easy to become jaded and bitter. More than the other Clans, Toreador often succumb to ennui, or fight the eventual boredom of unchanging immortality by playing at rivalries. An excess of stimulation turns them into slaves to the sensations they seek. The most debased Toreador can become true monsters, sinking to unimaginable levels of depravity in order to feel anything at all.The Kindred of Clan Toreador often involve themselves greatly in the world of mortals. They have any number of reasons, whether enjoying proximity to the blush of life, cultivating veritable cults of doting followers, or influencing and following the trends that their own kind simultaneously mock and venerate. To hear the Toreador tell it, they are the Muses of a desperate mortal world, inspiring through their beauty or patronage.Toreador culture is a mixture of sybarites, dilettantes, and visionaries. Some Toreador, with echoes of mortal passion, Embrace lovers or "project" progeny who seem to fly in the face of every Toreador custom. These either don't last long or rise to great prominence as subversives and individualists. Ideas, trends, and "the next great thing" spread through the Clan, and other Kindred often look to the Toreador to guide them. The Degenerates know this, and many become Harpies, Princes, and other key figures in vampiric society.

    Origin Example :

Ventrue:   - Read here -

Nosferatu: - Read here -

Malkavian: - Read here -
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