This guide will explain the three available dynamic jobs that we offer currently. (more to be added)

1. Fishing

Your character can purchase a fishing rod & baits from the General Store.

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After you purchase the fishing rod and the bait, you may type /fish or /i use [ID of the fishing rod from your inventory]. If you are not positioned on the designated fishing spot, you will receive the following message and the location will be marked on your minimap.

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As soon as you get to the fishing lagoon, you can type /fish again and start the activity. By doing this, you may catch one of the following fishes with different weight:

- Common Fish
- Uncommon Fish
- Rare Fish
- There is a rumor that a "Legendary" fish exists, but I haven't caught it myself yet.

You can check the amount of fishes caught by typing /myfish. You may hold up to 10 fishes on you.

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After finishing the session of fishing or when you've reached 10/10 fishes, you may return to Dillimore to the seafood stand, where you can type /sellfish in order to sell them.

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2. Hunting

Your character can purchase a hunting rifle and a knife (used to skin the deer) from the business next to the General Store called "Dillimore Gun-Point".
Note: This "Hunting Rifle" weapon is treated as an inferior version of an actual rifle, for rolling purposes, this has a damage rating of 4 (lethal). Also, scriptly it deals lesser damage than a normal rifle if used against other players.

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Once you bought the rifle, you can head to the forest next to Dillimore and search for the prey, in this case, it would be the deer. By the time you locate the deer, you will have to be cautious about how you move. Running may trigger the deer, and it will flee as fast as she could. The same happens if you're too close to it.

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As soon as the deer is located, you may shoot it scriptly in order to kill it. Once you've done that, you will have to get to skin the deer in order to get her hide and venison (which can be both then sold).

Note: You will have to put away the rifle from your hands by using the /dropweapon command.
You then could /wd (weapondraw) your pocket or jacket slot, depending on where your knife is located. (you can try both anyway) Example: /wd pocket; /wd jacket.

After skinning the deer, you can type /ws (weapon store) back to either put the knife into the pocket or jacket slot. Then you can grab your hunting rifle back by crouching next to where you dropped it and then pressing "N".

Dynamic Jobs Guide Deer-hunt

The final part is the easiest one, you'll have to find the Butchery and sell all that you've got. If you want to, of course, because you can also consume the Venison for a lot of HP and satiation (hunger bar).

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3. Lumberjacking

Your character can purchase a chainsaw from the same "Dillimore Gun-Point" from before, where you could also buy a Hunting Rifle.

Once your chainsaw is purchased, you may travel to this location where this specific patch of trees are to be seen:

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Once you're there, you may approach any of those trees and use your "Action Key" button in order to begin cutting. (By default this key is your "TAB" key, but could be changed from your setting -> onfoot settings -> Action Key. I changed mine to "R")

You will then follow the system's instructions, which is to left click and right click until you completely cut the tree, followed by a repeated action key press until the tree is separated into logs.

Once you finish your lumber jacking session, you may head back to Dillimore in order to sell the logs here:

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Once you enter the business, you may type /loggery to sell the logs.

Note that these jobs/activities can be done without requiring for you to have any official job registered at the employment center. Enjoy!