The Black Market

The black market is a place where characters can purchase various items to enhance their roleplay experience. These items range from mundane items such as forged documents to powerful and rare artifacts like enchanted weapons.

Accessing the black market is not easy, and only the most skilled or connected characters can get their hands on the items sold here. To access the black market through the internet, you will need at least 3 dots in the Computer knowledge and 3 dots in the Streetwise talent. To access the black market through other means, you will need at least 3 dots in the Streetwise skill and a relevant background that gives you access to the right contacts. On top of these requirements, screenshots or staff/storyteller supervision would also be required.

Please note that some items on the black market are only sold at the discretion of the storytellers and/or with staff permission. These items are considered powerful and require a high level of trust and responsibility to obtain. To make sure that the game remains fair and balanced, the staff reserves the right to restrict access to these items based on character power and roleplay activity.

The black market is a place where the rules are different, and characters are free to engage in shady deals and criminal activities. However, be aware that with great power comes great responsibility, and the consequences of breaking the rules or misusing items from the black market can be severe.

Below is a list of some of the items available for purchase on the black market:

Blood: A valuable commodity for vampires, it could be sold in various quantities and types (human, animal, supernatural). Vampires who are low on their own blood supply often turn to the black market to replenish their reserves.

Ancient Tomes: Rare books and manuscripts containing forbidden knowledge, legends, and spells. These tomes often have powerful magic imbued within their pages, making them highly sought after by practitioners of the arcane.

Black Market Contracts: Connections to individuals who can provide illegal or hard-to-find services or information. These contracts can range from introductions to smugglers to hiring assassins to take out enemies.

Masquerade Breakers: Devices or gadgets that allow a vampire to detect or reveal the true nature of other supernatural beings, such as UV flashlights, silver mirrors, etc. These items are crucial for maintaining the Masquerade, the strict code of secrecy that governs vampire society.

Enchanted Weapons and Relics: Weapons and objects imbued with magical properties. These items can range from swords that glow in the dark to amulets that bring good luck.

Forged Documents: Fraudulent documents, such as diplomas, certificates, licenses, etc. These documents can be used to cover up a person's true identity or to gain access to restricted areas.

Bribes: Payments made to influence the actions of public officials or law enforcement. These bribes can range from small amounts to buy silence to large sums to sway the outcome of a case.

Banned Substance: Illegal drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or designer drugs. These substances can bring temporary pleasure or escape from reality, but can also lead to addiction, dependence, and legal trouble.

Stolen Goods: Valuables that have been obtained through illegal means, such as jewelry, art, electronics, etc. These goods can range from small items that can be easily hidden to large, bulky items that require careful transportation.

Contraband Weapons: Weapons that are illegal to own or sell, such as switchblades, brass knuckles, etc. These weapons can be used for self-defense or for committing crimes, but possessing them can result in severe legal consequences.

Spell Components: Objects or substances needed to cast spells, such as candles, herbs, or crystals. These components are crucial for practicing magic, and the quality and rarity of the components can affect the power of the spell.

Rare Maps: Maps leading to hidden treasures, secret locations, or uncharted territories. These maps can offer exciting new opportunities for adventure and discovery, but can also lead to danger and difficulty.

If you have any questions or would like to purchase any of these items, please reach out to a staff member or create a ticket on discord. After that, we will provide an answer with the list of the items that your character finds, based on what he searched through his roleplay.
