The Silver Hill Sept

Founder: Silver Feather-Uktena,Theurge, Mighty Eagle’s Pack.
Years active: 1993-present.
Caern level: 2
Caern Type: Stamina
Caern Totem: Turtle Spirit(Re-awakened)
Current Holders: Uktena-Wendigo

Sept of the Silver Hill Hillto10


Croatan’s Era~The creation of the Caern.

 Around the ends of the 15th century and just a few years apart from the European Garou invasion in America, a powerful Elder Theurge of the Croatan tribe known as Wild Horse or by his deed name He-Who-Knows-All-Secrets, was summoned by the chief of a small village located where today Dilllimore is build on to perform one of the most difficult tasks known to the Garou nation as the Rite of Caern building. The said chief was an Athro Philodox of the tribe and close ally, known by his deed name as Blue-Turtle-of-Justice. In one of his Umbral travels he and his pack were visited by the Totem spirit it self who then tasked them to build a caern near his village and form a small Sept around it as dark days were about to come and Turtles memory and his children needed a place that would keep them alive in time once every other of it Caerns would perish forever. At that time Blue Turtle couldn’t understand what the Spirit meant and neither did he bother the spirit with more questions and so he just went along to complete the given task. A lengthy period of preparations took place until on a Summer’s night where the moon was Waxing the said Ritual took place. Many warriors sacrificed their lives for the cause but in the end the Ritual was complete and the Croatan would be celebrating as a whole their new sacred place.

Middle Brother’s last Song~The Turtle’s slumber.
While many mystics attempted to find out what was the meaning behind their Totem’s words, none managed to find an answer in time. During the 16th century Europeans made their first landing on the shores of America and among them, kinfolk and Garou alike showed up as well. A series of events took place that sparked a war between the Native American tribes and their European cousins who had come prepared with their advanced weaponry to take everything they willed. Many Caerns were forcefully taken and the Native Tribes were pushed away from their territories. Blue Turtle’s caern however was among the few ones who remained undiscovered and managed to stay untouched until the Eater of Souls manifested and the Croatan tribe would have to make one of the greatest sacrifices known to the Garou history. As the very last of the Croatan died and the Eater of Souls was banished in the darkest depths of Umbra again, Turtle fell into a slumber. The caern Blue Turlte built in behalf of the spirit though would serve its purpose for hundreds of years after.

1993~A Great Discovery
On April 14th 1993, Unkas Delaware, a kinfolk of the Uktena working as a geologist, found himself in the vicinity of Dillimore town. He and his colleagues stumbled upon Dillimore’s hill where they immediately started studying the place. To their own surprise they discovered a hidden cave which later Unkas decided to explore. It was then when he discovered the Garou glyphs and markings in its interior that had a hard time reading as they clearly didn’t belong to the Uktena. The answer would be given to him by Silver Feather and his pack who had dedicated their lives in finding lost lore of the Croatan. After being called by him, Silver Feather and his pack arrived in Dillimore and were as surprised as Unkas was yet even happier than him. Silver Feather deployed a network of kinfolk to work with human environmentalists and have them label the area as “Naturae Protected” to keep humans away and settled with his pack there, bringing a couple of more from nearby regions together as well and later in the year awaken the Turtle spirit again and ask it to be the Caern’s patron once more in sake of their lost brethren..


In 1999 the territory of the Nuvavut officially forms and the Wendigo alongside their kin emigrate there in belief they finally have some place to call their own after the hundreds of years they spent oppressed by the white people and the new owners of America. Some however felt that there was no place of them in the cold lifeless Tundra and stayed back scattered all across the U.S. By that time the Sept of the Silver Hill had gained a considerable amount of renown in the Garou society and was highly recognizable by all the tribes however the Uktena claimed sole ownership of the former Croatan caern and rejected non-members of the tribe in their lands. This led to a series of problems such as lack of man-power and various Sept positions since the majority of Uktena were interested in more powerful Septs and Caerns themselves. The Wendigo who remained in the U.S became the temporary solution of those problems. On October 3rd 1999 the Iced Fangs pack arrived in Dillimore and came to terms with their Older Brother members since the two tribes share deep history with their lost Middle Brother whose memory they try to keep alive. By the end of the year more Wendigo arrived in the area and for the first time the Caern rights were shared with the Wendigo, a council was formed and all Sept positions were covered.

2002~First Blood

While the Sept of Silver Hill dealt with many local matters since its first day, the reality is that there were no enemies capable of hurting or damaging its people. At the very worst the Sept would have to fend off an attack of minor banes that would give their warriors a minor wound to bear or a Fomori going wreckless in public eyesight. In 2002 however a lone wolf claiming Uktena heritage appears and asks to work for the Sept. His name was Tsinga and he was just a Cliath at the time with a very important task on his shoulders. Tsinga was accepted in the bawn and managed to prove himself “worthy” as such he became an official Guardian of the Sept and not only. Silver Feather himself took Tsinga under his wing and became his mentor, seeing potential in the young Cliath only to find out later his grievous mistake. During a Summer monthly moot where the Sept celebrated the First Change of one of their kinfolks, a considerable number of Dancers was spotted in the woods by one of the Sept scouts, moving rapidly towards the Caerns bawn through a path only Sept members could have known. Since the path was unlikely to be found by strangers, the Sept would always assign no more than two Guardians each time to guard it. Tsinga and a fellow Ahroun were supposed to be there that night but when the Scout rushed there to alert them of their enemy's arrival he found nothing but the dead Ahroun laying on the floor. Immediately he broke his cover and howled through the skies alerting the Sept before his line of life was cut short by the same person who had killed the Ahroun. Tsinga, the trusted new member of the Sept had been concealing his true identity through a Bane bound fetish that helped him disguise as a Wyld Uktena but now he’d no longer have to do that. Now it was the time he’d stand with his real brothers infront of Silver Feather and the rest who trusted him in front of the Caern, ready to shed their blood and take away everything from them. Tsinga and his Dancers were outnumbering Silver Feather and the Sept 3 to 1, or so they thought. In all those years the Sept was active Silver Feather had made himself a devastating amount of spirit allies who emerged from within him and lashed on his foes right away. The battle was quick but bloody. Both sides suffered casualties but unlike the Dancers, the Sept couldn’t afford them. Among the dead were the newly shifted cub, kinfolk, humans and wolves alike who were part of the community and had attended the moot and the Wendigo Master of Challenges and member of the council Magwa Tetwanui. Tsinga and a very few of his band escaped with him losing his right arm to the silver Tomahawk of Silver Feather before he did so.


But the damage was done. The Sept once again lacked members and Silver Feather knowing that the Sept’s location was no longer a secret and that a potential second attack was on the way, called all remaining members of the council into an urgent meeting. Unfortunately for him that meeting turned into a trial. The Wendigo, enraged by the loss of one of their elders, blamed Silver Feather for lack of insight and failure to see his student(Tsinga) for what he truly was and demanded a Trial.A second Uktena at the same rank of Silver Feather allied with them and since he couldn’t challenge the Alpha due to the Sept officially being at war now he agreed on a trial to be hold. Silver Feather, having nothing to fear, accepted to be trialed in front of his people. Although Silver Feather spoke true, his opposition won the crowd. In the same night Silver Feather was accused and charged guilty by the Truthcatcher(The 2nd Uktena Elder and member of the council) for violating the Litany by causing a Caern to be violated. He was spared his life due to the fact that he was the original founder of the Sept but he was ostracized and banished from the Sept lands forever. Silver Feather departed immediately, heart broken from what he considered to be a second betrayal and was never seen again. Some stories say that he entered the spirit world and became a spirit himself, others claim to have seen a mad Native restlessly wander the desert of Bone County and that it could be Silver Feather himself. The most common and less pleasant story though has it saying that Silver Feather was captured and murdered by Tsinga and his band some time after his banishment after a young Wendigo found his Uktena turtle necklace broken and laying on the dirt at the hills of Montogomerry. There is a second version of this story mostly spread by Ragabashes who like scaring the cubs. According to it, Silver Feather felt so betrayed that he threw away his necklace and rejected his totem to dance the Spiral and exact his revenge. Neither of these stories have been yet confirmed.

2004~Evan Heals The Past~A new Page in history

With Silver Feather gone and the fear of a second attack the Sept messengers were spread into the territories of the Red Talons and Black Furies in hopes of recruiting and bringing them into the Sept’s bawn. News in the Garou society however travels fast, especially when the spirits are watching.Silver Feather wasn’t just an ordinary Uktena Elder, due to his work he had gained fame and popularity among all packs, tribes and Septs among San Andreas and the news of his banishment were quite unpleasant for both Talons and Furies who decided not to aid the Sept of the Silver Hill. Some Fianna and Silver Fangs offered their help in exchange for some of the Caern rights and Sept positions but the bitter Wendigo who wanted nothing to do with the European tribes at all, forced their Uktena brethren to reject such aid. The next two years were total hell for the Sept, overshifted watches became a common thing, the resources were running low, half of the Spirits inhabiting the caern abandoned it, high ranking theurges no longer existed since Silver Feather’s departure and young ones could barely fulfill any tasks as they lacked proper guidance. Apart from all that, everyone's worst fear came true. In 2004 a second attack would take place. Tsinga was back in Dillimore but this time he’d follow a different plan. On 26th of January a snowy, cold night, Tsinga returned to Dillimore with a fully equipped squad of BSD kinfolks with modern weapons and silver ammunition and a few more Dancers as well. Tsinga himself howled a warning that he was coming to take over the Caern this time and nobody could really stop him since he knew of the Sept’s current situation. The invasion began and the Sept of the Silver Hill was not prepared. As the enemy drew closer with their vehicles and powerful silver weapons they accepted their fate and prepared to give their life defending their sacred place. They once again charged into battle with fangs and claws, the weaker ones fell quick as silver pierced their bodies but the strongest continued fighting despite the silver rain. But when everything seemed lost a miracle happened. Behind the lines of Tsinga a second group emerged with weapons but they didn’t belong to him. No. These ones were the followers of Evan Heals the Past, the Legendary packmate of King Albrecht and the very first white cub to be accepted in the Wendigo. Evan had a task to fix relations between Native and European Garou and when he heard about the sept of the Silver Hill he decided to pay them a visit but Oliver Moore a Bone Gnawer kinfolk and a maniac with firearms stole important information from one of the BSD’s kinfolks and informed Evan about the upcoming attack. Thanks to him Tsinga was defeated and he and his people were executed. The next day Evan spoke with the elders of the Sept about his cause convincing them to change their ways and accept all Wyld Garou despite their tribe into the Septs position as it was the only way to ensure the Caern’s safety.

The Sept now.
Currently the Sept lacks a lot of people however with Evan convincing the Garou to change their ways more and more Garou show up in Dillimore and are welcomed within the Sept. The Caern’s rights remain to the Uktena and the Wendigo and no other tribe can claim them; however people from other tribes are accepted within the ranks and are treated with respect for as long as they don’t offend or violate the rules of the Litany and the ways of the Native tribes.