Character Name: John Smith
Character Creed: Avenger
Character Primary Virtue: Zeal
Character Starting Conviction (no more than 5): 5
Character Affiliation (SAD, NSA, etc): Union
Character Merits, Flaws & Backgrounds:


Good Right Hook (1pt. Merit) - John has a natural talent for throwing punches and can deal extra damage in hand-to-hand combat.
Punctual (1pt. Merit) - John is always on time, and is known for his reliability and punctuality.
Iron Stomach (1pt. Merit) - John has a cast-iron stomach and is immune to most forms of food poisoning or digestive discomfort.
Natural Leader (3pt. Merit) - John has a talent for inspiring and guiding others, and gains bonuses to social rolls when leading a group.
Streetwise (2pt. Merit) - John has a talent for navigating the seedy underbelly of urban areas, and gains bonuses to rolls related to street smarts and criminal activity.
Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit) - John has a photographic memory and can remember even the smallest details with perfect clarity.
Good Aim (2pt. Merit) - John is highly skilled with ranged weapons, gaining bonuses to rolls related to using firearms or throwing weapons.
Natural Athlete (2pt. Merit) - John is a natural athlete and gains bonuses to physical rolls such as jumping, climbing, and running.
Danger Sense (3pt. Merit) - John has an innate sense for danger and gains bonuses to rolls related to avoiding danger or sensing threats.

Depression (4pt. Flaw) - John struggles with bouts of depression and low mood, which can affect his ability to function and make it difficult for him to maintain his focus and motivation.
Obsession (2pt. Flaw) - John is obsessed with uncovering the truth behind the government experiments that he underwent, and may take unnecessary risks or make questionable decisions in order to achieve his goals.


Allies (2pt. Background) - John has a small group of allies in the hunter community who he can rely on for support and information.
Resources (2pt. Background) - John has some financial resources at his disposal, which he can use to fund his hunter operations and acquire specialized gear or weapons.
Retainer (1pt. Background) - John has a loyal assistant or contact who assists him with various tasks, such as research or logistics.
Haven (3pt. Background) - John has a secure and defensible hideout where he can rest, recuperate, and store equipment.
Library (1pt. Background) - John has access to a small library of books or other resources that can help him with research or information gathering.
Occultist Contact (1pt. Background) - John has a contact in the occult community who can provide him with information or advice on supernatural phenomena.

(( Background Breakdown ))

Ally 1:
Name: Dr. Maria Chavez
Occupation: Medical Doctor
Attributes: Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 4, Dexterity 3, Wits 5, Intelligence 5
Abilities: Medicine 5, Science 4, Occult 2, Empathy 2, Firearms 2
Backgrounds: Resources 2, Status 2
Edges: Iron Will, Aura Perception
Conviction: Savior
Virtue: Charity
Equipment: Medical Kit, First Aid Supplies
Notes: Dr. Chavez is a medical doctor who operates a free clinic for underprivileged communities. She is sympathetic to the cause of hunters and is willing to provide medical assistance and information in exchange for their protection.

Sure, here are the character sheets for John's allies and retainer, as well as a brief description of what he has in his library:

Ally 1:
Name: Dr. Maria Chavez
Occupation: Medical Doctor
Attributes: Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 4
Abilities: Medicine 5, Science 4, Occult 2, Empathy 2
Backgrounds: Resources 2, Status 2
Edges: Iron Will, Aura Perception
Conviction: Savior
Virtue: Charity
Equipment: Medical Kit, First Aid Supplies
Notes: Dr. Chavez is a medical doctor who operates a free clinic for underprivileged communities. She is sympathetic to the cause of hunters and is willing to provide medical assistance and information in exchange for their protection.

Ally 2:
Name: Jackson "Ace" Carlson
Occupation: Private Investigator
Attributes: Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 3, Dex 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Investigation 4, Streetwise 3, Firearms 3, Stealth 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 1
Edges: Danger Sense, Gunslinger
Conviction: Judge
Virtue: Fortitude
Equipment: Revolver, Brass Knuckles, Surveillance Equipment
Notes: Ace is a private investigator who specializes in solving cases related to the supernatural. He has a wide network of contacts and is skilled in investigation and surveillance techniques.

Name: Tony "The Fixer" Serrano
Occupation: Fixer
Attributes: Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Strength 1, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Streetwise 4, Intimidation 3, Finance 2, Politics 2, Firearms 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Resources 2
Edges: Iron Will, Aura Perception
Conviction: Defender
Virtue: Fortitude
Equipment: Riot Shield, Pistol (Medium), Brass Knuckles, Switchblade
Notes: Tony is a fixer who operates in the criminal underworld, and has connections to various gangs and crime syndicates. He is a skilled negotiator and can help John acquire information or resources that may be difficult to obtain through legal means. Tony has a good reputation in the criminal world and is well-respected among his peers. In addition to his connections, he is physically fit and has a sharp mind that allows him to think on his feet and handle difficult situations. He is also proficient with firearms and carries a medium-sized pistol for self-defense.

John's library contains a collection of books and other resources related to the occult and supernatural. Some of the items in his library include:

"The Lesser Key of Solomon" - a book of demonology and sigil magic
"The Pnakotic Manuscripts" - a collection of rare manuscripts that contain information on various supernatural entities and artifacts
Various books on folklore, mythology, and occult practices from around the world.

Character Background Story:
Prologue - The Awakening

John Smith was born into a small farming community in rural Missouri in the early 20th century. His parents were hardworking people, struggling to make ends meet in a world that seemed to be passing them by. But despite the hardships he faced growing up, John always felt a sense of pride and purpose in his life.

From a young age, John was drawn to the stories of soldiers and war heroes, people who had put their lives on the line to defend their country and their way of life. He was fascinated by the tales of bravery and sacrifice, of men who had given everything they had to protect what they believed in.

As he grew older, John knew that he wanted to be a part of that legacy. He trained tirelessly, honing his skills as a marksman and a fighter, and when the call to arms came in 1941, he enlisted in the U.S. Army without hesitation.

John was sent to Europe as part of the Allied forces, fighting on the front lines of some of the bloodiest battles of the war. He saw things that would stay with him for the rest of his life - the horrors of the concentration camps, the devastation wrought by the bombings, the endless suffering of the people caught in the middle.

But even in the face of such darkness, John never lost his sense of purpose. He knew that he was fighting for something bigger than himself - for freedom, for justice, for the right to live in a world without fear.

It wasn't until after the war, however, that John's eyes were truly opened to the hidden world of the supernatural. One night, as he was sitting in his backyard enjoying a drink, he heard something strange. The sound of footsteps, heavy and measured, moving through the trees.

John got up from his chair, his hand resting on the gun that he always kept nearby. As he crept towards the edge of the yard, he saw something that he could hardly believe.

A man - or what looked like a man - was standing just beyond the fence, his skin as black as the night around him. Beside him stood a woman, her eyes wide and fearful as she looked up at the creature.

As John watched in horror, the man reached out and touched the woman's face, his fingers sinking into her flesh as if it were clay. She screamed, a high-pitched sound that cut through the silence of the night.

In that moment, John knew that he had to act. He lifted his gun and fired, the sound echoing through the night. The creature turned towards him, its eyes blazing with anger and fury.

But John didn't hesitate. He fired again and again, his bullets finding their mark with deadly accuracy. The creature fell to the ground, its body dissolving into black smoke.

John stood there for a long moment, his heart racing as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. But as he looked down at the woman's lifeless body, he knew that he had stumbled into a world that he could never have imagined.

Over the next few weeks, John began to research everything he could find on the supernatural, visiting libraries and talking to people who claimed to have encountered the creatures that he had seen. And as he learned more about the world that he had stumbled into, something inside him began to awaken - a sense of purpose, of duty, of the need to fight against the darkness that threatened to consume everything he held dear.

And so, John began his new life as a Hunter, using his enhanced abilities as a soldier and his newfound knowledge of the supernatural to track down and destroy the monsters that threatened the world he had fought so hard to protect.

Chapter 1 - Awakening

The year was 1943 and John Smith had just been drafted into a top-secret military project called the Human Augmentation Research and Development Operations (HARDO). He was given the designation "Project Omega" and sent to a classified facility where he underwent an experimental procedure to enhance his physical and mental abilities.

The process was grueling and painful, but John emerged from it with abilities far beyond those of a regular human. He was stronger, faster, and had heightened senses and reflexes. But most importantly, he had an indomitable will that made him an ideal soldier.

John was sent to the front lines of World War II, where he fought bravely and without fear. He became a legend among his comrades, an unstoppable force that the enemy feared and respected.

But in 1945, as the war was coming to a close, John was captured by the Russians. They took him to a secret facility where they attempted to reverse engineer the HARDO process. They were never able to fully replicate the procedure, but they did manage to keep John in a cryo pod, freezing him for decades.

In 2006, a group of Hunters stumbled upon the Russian facility and discovered John in the cryo pod. They didn't know who he was or what he was capable of, but they knew that they had to get him out of there before the Russians realized he was still alive.

They broke him out of the pod and began to transport him to safety, but John was disoriented and confused. He lashed out at the Hunters, thinking that they were his enemies. In the ensuing fight, he killed them all with his bare hands.

When he realized what he had done, John was consumed with guilt and remorse. He had killed the very people who had saved him, and he didn't even know why.

As he stood there, looking at the bodies of the Hunters that he had slain, he knew that he had a new purpose in life. He had to make amends for his actions, to atone for the sins that he had committed.

And so, John Smith became a Hunter, using his enhanced abilities and his military training to track down and eliminate the monsters that threatened the world. He knew that he could never make up for what he had done, but he could try to do some good in a world that had gone so wrong.

Chapter 2 - Return to the Homeland

After the incident with the Hunters, John knew that he had to get out of the area as quickly as possible. He couldn't risk being caught by the Russians or any other group that might want to experiment on him. So, he made his way to the coast and stowed away on a cargo ship bound for America.

It was a long and difficult journey, but John was used to hardship. He spent his days hiding in the shadows, avoiding the crew and other passengers, and making sure that he wasn't discovered.

When the ship finally docked in New York City, John knew that he had a new mission - to find out who had sold him to the Russians, and who had betrayed him.

He spent the next few weeks wandering the city, using his heightened senses to pick up any clues or leads that he could find. He talked to informants, dug through old records, and pieced together a puzzle that was years in the making.

It wasn't until he came across an old acquaintance - a man who had been a fellow soldier in his unit during the war - that he finally got a break. The man, who was now working as a private investigator, had information that could help John track down the people who had sold him out.

The man told John that he had been hired by a wealthy industrialist who was looking for the perfect candidate for an experimental program. The industrialist had been impressed by John's bravery and his physical and mental abilities, and had paid a hefty sum to have him abducted and sold to the Russians.

John's blood boiled at the thought of being used as a pawn by a wealthy businessman, and he knew that he had to track down the man and make him pay for what he had done.

Over the next few weeks, John dug deeper into the industrialist's business dealings, following leads and using his enhanced abilities to stay one step ahead of his targets. He discovered that the man was involved in all sorts of shady dealings - from weapons smuggling to human trafficking - and that he had a network of contacts and allies that made him almost untouchable.

But John was not deterred. He was a soldier, a Hunter, and he knew that he had to see this through to the end. He spent his days planning and strategizing, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Finally, one night, he got his chance. The industrialist was attending a gala event at a posh Manhattan hotel, and John knew that he had to be there. He donned a tuxedo, using his enhanced abilities to blend in with the crowd, and made his way into the ballroom.

As he looked around, John's eyes settled on the industrialist. He was standing at the bar, sipping a martini and talking to a group of investors. John knew that he had to act fast, before the man slipped away.

He made his way towards the bar, his hand resting on the gun that he had hidden in his jacket. The industrialist saw him coming, and his eyes widened in surprise and fear.

"John... what are you doing here?" he stammered.

John didn't reply. He drew his gun and fired, the sound of the gunshot echoing through the room. The industrialist fell to the ground, a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

John stood there for a moment, watching as the man's lifeless body was carried away. He knew that he had just taken a life, but he also knew that it was necessary. The industrialist had been the one who had sold him out, who had turned him over to the Russians and set him on a path that had almost destroyed him.

As John made his way out of the hotel, his mind was still racing with the events of the night. He had taken a life, but it was one that had been responsible for the destruction of his own. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, but he knew that he had to keep moving forward.

As he walked through the city streets, his thoughts turned to his next move. He had no idea where he was going to go or what he was going to do, but he knew that he couldn't stay in New York. It was too dangerous, too filled with people who would want to use him for their own gain.

He decided to head west, to the small town of Dillimore in Red County. He had heard that it was a quiet, peaceful place where he could lay low for a while and regroup.

When he arrived in Dillimore, he found a small apartment and settled in. He spent his days working odd jobs and his nights patrolling the streets, looking for any signs of trouble.

But it wasn't long before he discovered that there was something strange going on in Dillimore. There were rumors of a group of vampires that were terrorizing the town, preying on the innocent and the vulnerable.

John knew that he couldn't sit idly by and let this happen. He had sworn to protect the world from monsters like these, and he wasn't about to break that oath now.

He began to investigate, using his enhanced abilities to track down any leads or clues. He talked to locals, scoured old records, and pieced together a picture of what was going on.

It wasn't easy, but John knew that he was up to the challenge. He was a Hunter, a soldier, a man who had been trained to face any obstacle with courage and determination.

As he sat in his apartment, thinking about the dangers that lay ahead, he knew that he had found a new purpose in life. Dillimore may have been a small town, but it was a place that needed him, a place where he could make a difference.

And so, John Smith - the once-Project Omega, the accidental killer, the lone Hunter - settled into his new life in Dillimore, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

** BONUS **

John had been on the move for months, hopping from town to town and taking out supernatural threats wherever he found them. It was a solitary existence, but it was the only life he knew. He'd always been a loner, and his experiences with government experiments and betrayal had only reinforced his mistrust of others.

But something about Dillimore drew him in. It was a small, rural town in the heart of Red County, with a tight-knit community and a surprisingly active nightlife. John had arrived in town on the trail of a rogue vampire, but he found himself drawn to the people and the energy of the place.

One night, he found himself in the local bar, nursing a beer and trying to blend in. He noticed a group of people at a nearby table, talking in hushed tones and exchanging glances. They looked like they might be hunters, and John's curiosity got the better of him.

He made his way over to their table and introduced himself, trying to keep his guard up in case they turned out to be enemies. But as they talked, he found himself opening up to them in a way he hadn't with anyone in years. They were Union hunters, part of a larger network of like-minded individuals who worked together to protect humanity.

For the first time in a long time, John felt like he might have found a home. He agreed to work with the Union on their current mission in Dillimore, and together they took down the rogue vampire that had been causing trouble in the area.

After the mission was over, the Union hunters invited John to join their ranks. They saw something in him that he hadn't seen in himself for a long time: a sense of purpose, and a desire to make a difference. And so, John Smith officially became a member of the Union, ready to fight alongside his new allies against the supernatural threats that lurked in the shadows.