Section 1. Contact Information

1.1 Title: Mr
1.2 Surname Name: Winchester
1.3 Middle Name: N/A
1.4 First Name: Rick
1.5 Residential Address: 1, Dillimore Motel, Red County
1.6 Phone Number: 17079

Section 2. Personal Information

2.1 Height (ft): 6'0
2.2 Weight (lbs): 187
2.3 Date Of Birth: 31/10/1980
2.4 Nationality: American
2.5 Highest Educational Attainment: Bachelors

Section 3. Eligibility Information

3.1 Do you possess a valid driver's license?: Yes.
3.2 Do you possess a valid aviation license?: No.
3.3 Are you a lawful citizen of the state of San Andreas?: Yes.

Section 4: Background Information

4.1 Have you ever been convicted of a felony or any misdemeanor involving moral aptitude?:
Answer: No, I haven't
4.2 Have you applied for the RCSD in any capacity within the last month?
Answer: Yes.
4.3 Have you ever worked for any Government Agency before? If yes, which one?
Answer: Yes, USMC (1998-2004) Honourable Discharge.
APSD (2004-2006)
4.4 I am a current or former member of the United States Military:
Answer: Yes.
4.5 I have previously used marijuana within the last year:
Answer: No.
4.6 I am currently on criminal probation or parole:
Answer: No.

Section 5: Agreement
By submitting this application, you automatically agree to the following agreement:

I, [Rick Winchester] agree to all the terms and conditions of the RCSD. I also certify that all the answers I have given in this application are true, that I have no conflicts with the Sheriff's Department and I am not blacklisted by the Sheriff's. I am ready for the fact that during the training I will have to be in class for designated hours a day.

Section 6: OOC INFO

Discord Name: Maaz
Time zone: +5:00
Administrative Record: Clean.
Rate your roleplay experience out of 10: Most probably near 8-10 considering I've been playing RP Servers since 2014
Do you have any previous experience in Law Enforcement Roleplay field?: Yes.