In order to apply for a character within the Hunter race, you need to create & post an application under a new topic in this board, using the format below.

TOPIC TITLE: Firstname_Lastname [Creed]



[font=Time New Roman]
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Name[/b][/color]:
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Creed[/b][/color]:
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Primary Virtue[/b][/color]:
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Starting Conviction (no more than 5)[/b][/color]:
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Affiliation (SAD, NSA, etc)[/b][/color]:
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Merits, Flaws & Backgrounds[/b][/color]:
[color=#FF8C00][b]Character Background Story[/b][/color]:

John_Doe [Innocent]

Character Name: John Doe
Character Creed: Innocent
Character Primary Virtue: Mercy
Character Starting Conviction (no more than 5): 4
Character Affiliation (SAD, NSA, etc): N/A
Character Merits, Flaws & Backgrounds:
Good Right Hook (1pt. Merit)
Punctual (1pt. Merit)

Missing Eye (3pt. Flaw)
Depression (4pt. Flaw)

Cult (2pt. Background)
Character Background Story: Character story goes here.


The general points your story should touch on is what kind of person your Hunter is, how their Imbuing happened, how they coped with the aftermath and how/if they integrated themselves within the Imbued society.
Lost Creeds (Hermit & Wayward) are unplayable in our chronicle at this time, you may not apply for them.
Starting Conviction Ratings may be no higher than 5 on character creation. Conviction higher than your Creed's default starting rating will need to be explained well in the story.
Edges may be obtained through your character application, however they can not be higher than a Level 2 Edge, and they must each have a section within the story of 200 words minimum.
Merits, Flaws and Backgrounds must make sense for your character, the Race Moderator may request additional explanation on any such trait if they deem it necessary.