The following is the format for mage character applications; use this format to paste in the board here


[color=#A020F0]Character Name:[/color]
[color=#A020F0]Character Concept:[/color]
[color=#A020F0]Character Age:[/color]
[color=#A020F0]Avatar Essence:[/color]
[color=#A020F0]Starting Arete Rating:[/color]
[color=#A020F0]Practices (2 - 3): [/color]
[color=#A020F0]Starting Spheres (6 Points to share): [/color]
[color=#A020F0]Instruments (7 - 10): [/color]

[color=#A020F0]Character's Nature / Demeanor:[/color]

[color=#A020F0]Character Story:[/color]

[color=#A020F0]Exclusive Mage related Merits/Flaws/Backgrounds:[/color]



Points to Keep in Mind:
-> Character Concept/Flavour is something you desbribe your character with in one sentence or a word, it is made vital so we know what you're building.
-> The max rating of Arete a mage character can start with is 2.
-> Make sure to include faction name, the tradition/union, sub-sects within them (optional).
-> Practices and Instruments should be tied to the character, we are allowing upto 3 slots of personalized/unique instruments. P/U count as one slot, rest are upto the players, standard instrument rules from the book apply.
-> Character Story must revolve around the concept, mainly their awakening, their objectives, their view over the World Of Darkness and finally, their goals.
-> Please paste whatever merits/flaws/backgrounds you get from M20 books here, and for backgrounds, you can include Avatar, along with it's appearance.