Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role PlayLog in

Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]

Character Name:Molly Rose
Character Concept:N.W.O Agent.
Character Age:37
Avatar Essence:Pattern
Starting Arete Rating:3
Faction:Technocracy Union
Paradigm:Everything is Data
Practices (2 - 3):Cybernetics/Reality Hacking/ Maleficia
Starting Spheres (6 Points to share):Data R2 / Life 2 / Prime 2
Instruments (7 - 10):[P.U.I] Old Screen Touch Watch, Weapons, Cybernetics, Computer Gear,Violence,Devices And Machines, Energy

Character's Nature / Demeanor:[N] Director, [D] Enigma

Character Story:
19/10/1969 Location: USA,CA.. was the day an intelligent and talented female has been born, raised in a family of geniuses and technology savvys who adored everything tech related, even the toys of Molly Rose the daughter of the Rose family was futuristic and very modern, her father Antony Rose was one of the technomancers who was married to a Visionary hunter beatiful lady who never exposed her true self to her husband nor to her daughter, her childhood was nothing like other children, she used to insist on her father to attend with him to his work, he never took his only daughter to work as it was highly confidential, coming up with the most silly and nonsense reasons, the daughter was so innocent but also intelligent, learning and memorising everything she sees or hears, as she grew up she was always bullied for being ''nonsense'' and full of lies when telling stories of her father's work to her friends or other classmates, no one believed her at that time and no one could since it was out of the mind... as she reached 14-15 her father started teaching her about more complex topics such as quantum physics and technology stuff alike, she always did well on comprehending it and absorbing the ideas presented to her, after a while she started learning about gadgets and supernatural stuff, then firearms and how to defeat her opponents with both sides, as she reached 19, her father found it the best time for him to force the enlightment upon his daughter, he started doing impressive enlightened science infront of her, exposing her to so much supernatural powers, him gaining paradox and she enjoying the show everytime, untill one day, an anonymous phone call starts ringing at 3Am, she responds and it's her father sound with a friend of mine screaming ''YOUR MOTHER IS DEAD, YOUR GOD DAMN MOTHER IS DEAD'', she gets into a trauma/shoched process, as she slowly hangs up the phone, it drops on the ground and she hurls into crying, after a few minutes of that horrible news, she start seeing weird signs and symbols on her phone, she shakes her head as if it's nothing, then tilts her head to the T-V looking different and having symbols on it, she freaked out and passed out, as she's unconsiounce her genius ''avatar'' appears as a figure... which was a man in black , she smiles and waved to him, he nodded and spoke quitely in a deep voice, ''Greetings miss Molly, You were selected to retain order and justice in the world, welcome to the enlighted world'' he said and paused, she chuckled and so did he, ''Anyways, you shall have the best luck with your unique and new life.'' he then disappeared and she woke up in a laboratory calmly, looking around she can see her father and other partners of his but something is wrong, she can feel her body has been opened and something new is inserted inside ((enhancments)), she looked at herself for a while then to her father with a worried face, ''Worry not daughter, this enhancments are for your own good'' she nodded and they chit chatted about it for a while, after that, the journey of teaching and acsension has started getting taught the mysteries behind the world and how everything is ''DATA''.. after couple of years she was invited to the N.W.O agency to get recruited into it, her father encouraged her by giving her a special watch of his, a touch screen watch which had the power of being a unique way of trancsending magick to the real world, she got recruited into the union and became an official New World Order Agent, Agent M... now she has been sent to Dillimore to help a fellow partner in his work...

Exclusive Mage related Merits/Flaws/Backgrounds:
Merits:Too Tough To Die. [5Pts.Supernatural Merit]


Backgrounds:Enhancements (2pt.Background): Online Access, Skeletal Enhancements.
3Pts. Geniua
''using freebies'' 2pt. Library: Time R2, Mind R1, Entropy R1.

Last edited by HLerx on 23/3/2023, 19:35; edited 3 times in total

descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyRe: Molly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]


Hello, welcome to mage application stage,

There's a few things I want to address; Visionary Hunter mother, make sure you don't know anything iC about her or what she's about. Imbued is from Revised Edition and they don't really trust any of the supernaturals, mage included.

Secondly, NWO isn't an everyday office where you can take your child to, it's a huge organization focused on bringing a balance to the world (abruptly) per the order of reason. And most of all, they're all spread around, and highly confidential. If you're of no use to them, you won't be allowed, simply.

Thirdly, A mage would only suffer less Paradox if the sleeper next to them already believes it's possible (They count as half-sleepers and only give 1paradox and do not add difficulty).

Fourth point is, a traumatic event is what triggers an awakening, you might have to fluff your story around that part.

Fifth point, NWO doesn't work on Nepotism, you have to actually prove yourself in the field to matter, and you rank up based on Degrees there, so please, draft this accordingly.

Note that these are checked through only because you're going for NWO, which is something I'd like book-wise accurate at the moment, they're naturally antagonists.

Respond here or DM me (latter is preferred naturally) when you are done.

descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyRe: Molly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]


descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyRe: Molly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]

This story is Arete 2 worthy at best, are you willing to accept it?

descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyRe: Molly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]

Well, I won't say no, Accepted.

descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyRe: Molly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]

Accepted, you get 7pt Background dots as mage so you won't have to spend any freebies.

If you want any other Supernatural Merit or Exclusive Mage Merits, use your ticket to notify us.

Accepted as Arete 2 NWO operative. Good luck in game!

descriptionMolly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order] EmptyRe: Molly Rose - [Technocracy] - [New.World.Order]

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