Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionDavid_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes] EmptyDavid_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes]

Character Name: David Martinez
Character Concept: Rich “Have It All” / Warrior of Vengeance
Character Age: 18
Avatar Essence: Dynamic
Starting Arete Rating: 2
Faction: Traditions
Paradigm: Might is Right
Practices (2 - 3): Dominion, High Ritual Magic, Chaos Magic
Starting Spheres (6 Points to share): Forces 2, Prime 1, Time 1, Life 1, Mind 1
Instruments (7 - 10): Geometry & Symbols, Emotions, Social Domination, Eye Contact, Voice, Violence, Wand (U)

Character's Nature / Demeanor: Director (N), Guardian (D)

Exclusive Mage related Merits/Flaws/Backgrounds:
Merits: 14

Enchanting Feature (2pt. Merit) - Voice
Concentration (1pt. Merit)
Lightning Calculator (1pt. Merit)
Scientific Mystic (1pt. Merit)
Self-Confident (5pt. Merit)
Regal Bearing (1pt. Merit)
Confidence (2pt. Merit)
Burning Aura (1pt. Merit)

Flaws: 7

Hatred (3pt. Flaw) - Vampires
Phobia (2pt. Flaw) - Heights
Addiction (1pt. Flaw) - Nicotine
Overconfident (1pt. Flaw)

Backgrounds: 6

Avatar (3pt. Background)
Cult (2pt. Background)
Mentor (3pt. Background)
Resources (5pt. Background)

Willpower: +2 = 7 Willpower

Character Story:

Chapter 1: IT Boy

In New York everybody knows what an IT Boy or Girl is. He is that one rich kid that doesn’t have to be good looking, but usually is and that everybody wants to be like. He’s a role model for the shallow and materialistics, the one that always frequents pubs and has a great image. Even before the era of smartphones, certain tabloids would make them popular among the masses. That was the case of David Martinez, having a different name at the time, a boy born of two rich parents, both tycoons in their domains that would fill their baby’s pockets with money for no particular reason other that he lives and breathes. But that was never enough for David, because as you have money, you’ll always want more. With a desire to make his name known for not only being a rich boy, but also for his brains, he always excelled in school in his attempt to become a doctor and save lives. He even has planned surgical interventions that would enhance his looks, in order to also be good looking, despite already being so. Such are shallow people.

Such lives don’t usually stay simple. His parents didn’t always gain money through ethic means and made many enemies in time. Some even looked to harm the family. Such was the case of an awful drive-by in the middle of New York. As David’s father lost control of the car, they created a chain accident on the street. With dozens of people dead, something happened to our soon to be David. In the middle of the crisis, his awakening occurred, using the Forces around him in order to protect the boy. As his rage and fear took over, the car of the killers also combusted, going up in flames.

Chapter 2: Neophyte to Initiate

Two weeks after the accident, David was still in hospital, as doctors were tending to his wounds and burns. That’s when a professor from the NYU came to visit him, the same one that was his Godfather. Due to his parents wealth, they also invested in many scientific programs in order to raise their influence in many domains and one of these people was Andrew Smith. Andrew accepted 16 years ago their request to be David’s godfather and he played a role in nurturing David in his academic path. But now that David awakened, it was time for him to learn the truth about Magick from his new mentor, an Adeptus of the Order of Hermes.
“Pass my tests and I’ll be your padre, your mentor.”
An orphan as he was, in both meanings of the word, David had no choice but to listen to his godfather’s request and teachings. The test wasn’t something much, for he was already nurtured into becoming a Hermetic long before any hope of his Awakening occurred. But was the teachings began, the life of the now David Martinez became increasingly harder.
5 AM: Breakfast
6 AM: Combat Training
8 AM: Lectures
11 AM: Lunch
12 AM: One Hour Break (Nap)
1 PM: Combat Training
4 PM: Lecture
6 PM: Dinner
8 PM: Combat Training
10 PM: Lights Off
This helped him develop both mentally and physically, but leaving him with little to no social training. Luckily, he was, in the past, an IT Boy, so both his etiquette and his aura looked almost like those of a royal. This training also engrained something much more powerful in David, a confidence that can almost never be shaken. This went all too well with the Hermetic view of the world that “All is Mind” and that using their Will, the world around them changes to please the caster.
A few months later, when, through both mystic and scientific understanding of the elements, he mastered the first rank of the Forces sphere, granting him the fourth rank of Initiate. Despite him being only two ranks below his own mentor, that small numeric difference, meant a whole lot more in practical prowess.

Chapter 3: Initiate Exemptus

Now it’s truly the time to be practicing magick. The daily program changed a lot to fill in the magickal courses, but it’s still as full as ever. His patre gifted one special thing to David, his own wand, made of larch wood, mixed with the ashes of his parents, so that they are always with him. ” Strong, durable and warm in color, larch has long been valued as an attractive and powerful wand wood. Its reputation for instilling courage and confidence in the user has ensured that demand has always outstripped supply.” Now, with a mentor and a powerful wand, specialized in the Forces sphere, David was more than prepared for what was to come. Through countless hours of study, days of mental training and months of physical training, he has grown out of his confidence phase into an over-confident boy.
He inherited the firms and apartment complexes of his parents, being able to make lots of money while leaving them in the care of each of their managers, he had a steady (albeit very-very high) monthly and yearly income. Due to his high financial standing and growing confidence that was literally oozing out of his aura, he attracted many in the Order and even built his small, yet trustworthy little cult. Two things he never got over, though, was his addiction of cigarettes and his fear of heights, but his mentor assured him that, in time, his Avatar will help him through it.
Now onto the history of the Order of Hermes, he’s learned about the Tremere and their pathetic attempts at immortality. He disliked them, but not to the point of hating all vampires because of them. No, that pure hatred was fueled by the fact that those who killed his parents were ghouls sent by vampires that were the true competition of his parents. That was the turning point of the nice and caring David. Now, it’s time to grow and destroy those filthy creatures.

Two years after he started working with his mentor, two years after the accident and the Awakening, David was a proud member of the Order of Hermes, House Flambeau. He was, at this point, a warrior set to learn much more and to conquer reality itself, as hard as the trials to come are going to be. He decided to move to a more remote area on the other side of USA, where he would focus on honing his skills and learning from his mentor. But he's not alone, as his Avatar will always have his back.

descriptionDavid_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes] EmptyRe: David_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes]

Well crafted story and brought out the concept of the character,

More 18 year olds, just what we need

David_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes] Big-boss-smoking-big-boss

Your Mentor will have the following ratings in spheres with their points in relation:

Rank 3 Sphere = 1, Rank 2 Sphere = 2, Rank 1 Sphere - 3.

Reply here with the choice or edit it in the background itself, whichever you prefer, and then the topic will be locked.

Accepted, can be set in game.

Welcome to ARETE LIFE

descriptionDavid_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes] EmptyRe: David_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes]

Forces 3, Prime 2, Time 2, Life 1, Mind 1, Spirit 1

descriptionDavid_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes] EmptyRe: David_Martinez - [Traditions] - [Order of Hermes]

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