Rule 1. Do not use any cheats or hacks, exploits or third-party modifications.
Any program that gives a player an advantage over other players is not allowed to be used in the server.

Rule 2. Remain in character at all times.
You are expected to remain in character, this is a roleplay server and character development is the most important thing to do while playing in a roleplay server, Storytellers, Race moderators, and administrators can go OOC while performing their duties. If caught OOC-ing while RP is ongoing in the vicinity, punishments will follow.

Rule 3. Do not Metagame.
Do not use Out of Character (OOC) information In Character (IC), Using an OOC chat like /b, /o, /pm or external applications like Skype, Steam or Discord to contact someone and distribute IC information is prohibited.

Rule 4. Do not Power Game.
Do not force actions upon a player or perform superhuman and unrealistic actions, supernatural characters may perform their powers and abilities to the limits set by the book for them. Changing clothes without any roleplay, not roleplaying fear, chicken running, etc.

Rule 5. Do not advertise other servers and communities.

Rule 6. Script fights are allowed only if both parties agree. (also known as "Brawls")

Rule 7. Do not spam or use fully capitalized sentences in OOC chats.

Rule 8. Do not rob or scam new players of level 1 or 2.
New players require time to understand the server theme and the systems before they could participate in RP scenes, do not rob or scam new players under level 3 without their permission.

Rule 9. Carrying larger items which could otherwise be noticed IC'ly must be declared in /plabels, /do or with an accessory.

Rule 10. You may speak only English in IC/OOC chat.
If you wish to speak in different languages, you can use /pm command for that, IC and OOC chats (Such as /b, /g, /do, /me) are for the english language only. For In-Character foreign language use, please add [Language]: ~text~ format. Exceptions allowed for short expressions or words like "Olla", etc.

Rule 11. Unusual roleplay allowed only with consent.
You may not force any player into a roleplay scenario that involves sexual actions or actions that could be seen as highly disgusting unless all players provide you with their consent for it OOC'ly. (extreme tortures, animal violence, sex, rape, harassment, etc)

Rule 12. Transferring money between accounts is not allowed. Exceptions may be made with Staff's permission.