You cannot use Willpower for an automatic success on unleashings.

Unleashing Results(Read CtD 196); requires Storyteller on Botches and Overwhelming Successes.
Botched - Gains an Imbalance; for the first turn, the unleashed Art wrecks havoc. After 1 turn, the character suffers Banality trigger; can't spend Glamour or use Arts for the rest of the scene.
Failed - Banality trigger; fails to unleash and can't retry to unleash for the rest of the scene.
Success - If the number of successes is equal to or lower than your Art, the effect works as intended. You can narrate the result yourself. You automatically invoke the Wyrd for Glamour x turns; or may spend Willpower to make it permanent.
Overwhelming Successes - If the successes you get are higher than your Art, the effect spirals out of control. Call a storyteller. The character’s intent is fulfilled, but in a twisted or unintended way that adds complications or puts everyone nearby at risk. You gain one nightmare point. The effect works as intended, but brings about complications. You automatically invoke the Wyrd for the rest of the scene.

House Boons/Flaws:
You need a Title background to be eligible for a House Boon or a flaw.

Time - Suspended Trigger Cantrips:
The amount of suspended cantrips you can have at any time are unlimited.
You can only have one Suspended Cantrip of a given type activate in a given scene.
Example: You can have Dragon's Ire 2 and Dragon's Ire 3 activate when you enter combat,
but you cannot have Dragon's Ire 2 active multiple times through different triggers.

Pyretics 5 - Phoenix Song:
Can only be cast once per Scene on any given target.

Spring 3 - Well of Life:
If a Fae or Actor is targetted, they heal one bashing or lethal every turn + 1 aggravated per casting.
A Well of Life source can heal up to 8 levels of damage before being exhausted and needs a recast.
Only one person can benefit from a direct healing source. The AoE heals 1 bashing/lethal per scene.

Naming 4 - Runic Imprint:
Runic Imprint has been slightly tweaked to better reflect the setting as a whole.
The power will now follow the Life 3 mechanics when making it permanent.
In essence, raising attributes permanently will cost half XP. Follow the book if temporary.

Naming 5 - Reveawing:
The feature that lets you reassign attribute points is prohibited for longer than 1 day due to script complications.

Buffing and Debuffing Prodigals:
Debuffs on supernaturals and their items do not last longer than 3 IC months.
Lengthy buffs on other supernaturals (i.e. Naming 4) that require longer than 1 week require double the amount of successes on effect and duration.

For extended rolls, each Cantrip roll requires a separate Bunk.
Ritualistic bunks always require an action turn before the cantrip, unless you split.

Chimerical Enhancements:
Chimerical buffs from your Cantrips do not apply to your character if you do not invoke.
This refers to powers like Dragon's Ire, etc.

Chimerical Items:
Weaponry and armor that is chimerical cannot be used in combat unless you invoke.
Armor soak dice do not stack, but penalties do. If you wear a chimerical chainmail, and a mundane kevlar vest, you'd get weighed down by both - but only one is used at any time to soak damage.

Soaking Damage
Changelings can soak Lethal forms of damage in both forms.
Changelings cannot soak aggravated by default, and only apply armor dice to withstand it. The dice from Granite Skin can be used to soak aggravated.

The following powers allow a changeling to withstand aggravated when active:
Reveawing (Naming 5); 5 successes feature

Cantrips vs Prodigals:
Demons are targeted with the Fae realm. Lupus Werewolves are targeted with Nature. The others fall under Actor.
Cantrips that require Kenning may instead be resisted with Awareness.
Cantrips that require Gremayre may instead be resisted with Occult.

You cannot spend an automatic success on Invoking the Wyrd. The Willpower is already a prerequisite.

Prodigals perceiving the Chimerical:
Unless you invoke the Wyrd or Unleash an Art, you and your chimerical companions/items remain unseen to even the most astute Prodigals. Even if Prime is used to sense the energy of a treasure teeming with Glamour, or a demon's Awareness can discern something at play, the true form is unseen.

The hunter power Illuminate can automatically breach your concealment.

Prodigals acquiring Kenning:
Supernaturals with a certain alignment can purchase Kenning as a Secondary Talent.
In addition to Occult 2 and Awareness 2, the following prerequisites must be met:
- Demons may get it after coming into contact with the Fae for the first time;
- Kinain can acquire it without the need for Occult or Awareness.
- Mages with Mind 4 can see through illusions, but not the mists unless they get Kenning.
- Werewolves of the Fianna tribe, or those with the Sight of the True Form gift.
- Imbued Hunters with the Witness (Martyrdom 2) edge.
- Vampires with Auspex 3 or higher.

Merits & Flaws (W.I.P.)

Gut Instict: You will no longer be surprised and can dodge surprise attacks. To bypass the initiative order you need to spend 1 glamour per turn. If you've invoked the Wyrd, the merit is active until you turn that off, not needing to spend Glamour as long as it's active.
TLDR: Gut Instinct will work as a Wyrd Cantrip, needing 1 Glamour / turn to use, unless you've invoked the Wyrd.

Custom Kith and Hsien Gods:
Custom Kiths and Hsien Kiths are playable, but the details must be ironed out beforehand with race moderators, then approved by management.
Typically you're expected to go for something that isn't available in the base game itself.