Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

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Demon House Rules Unknown

As some of you already know, the Chronicle where we will all be playing is a crossover of various World of Darkness books that in most cases weren't meant to be played together, and because of that house-brewed systems were made to bring balance and fair-play among of the races; these rules will have priority over those of the books, and the /help guide in-game, and are expected to be followed by everyone; every Demon Player is expected to follow these rules and is also expected to keep himself/herself updated, as the Demon Race Moderators may revise them.

Innate Powers:

Resistance to Mind-Control: Demons are immune to any form of mental-manipulation and to supernaturally induced emotions.

Resistance to Illusions: Demons are especially adept at discerning the real from the illusory, and they may attempt to penetrate illusions or supernatural forms of concealment regardless of the source (Magick, Blood sorcery, Kiths, etc). When confronted by an illusion or in the presence of a person or thing that is supernaturally concealed, the character can see past the artifice with a successful Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 7).If the source of the illusion or concealment is another demon the difficulty of the roll is equal to the opposing demon's Faith or Torment score, whichever is greater.

Supernatural Awareness: The fallen are inherently attuned to the fabric of reality, and they are sensitive to energies and influences beyond the awareness of mortals. Players can make a Perception + Awareness rolls for demons to get a "feel" of the supernatural qualities of a given area and energies at play regardless of their source and type.
Demons can sense supernatural energies at work within an area equal to their Faith score in miles. If a character wishes to sense the energies at work in her area, make a successful Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, your character detects the momentary distortion caused by these energies. Additional successes provide further detail.

Demon Awareness Results:
One success: The demon knows that something has occurred (or is occurring) in the vicinity and a general idea of how powerful the effect was or is.
Two successes: The demon gains a rough idea as to the direction from which the distortion emanates.
Three successes: The demon knows without a doubt the direction from which the distortion emanates, and he has a rough idea of the distance.
Four successes: The demon knows precisely how far away the disturbance is, and in what direction.

Faith potency and greater demons:
If a Fallen manages to reach a Faith Rating of 7 or more, his faith potency allows him to inflict revelation on the imbued and his lores bypass the usual protection given to them by the messengers.

Thralls and Empowerments:
Within certain boundaries, demons can empower their thralls with their own abilities, gifting them with supernatural powers. The system for doing so is fairly simple, but it's not something to enter into lightly. Characters should never rush into empowering their followers or offering pacts to all and sundry.
Human thralls don't have a Faith rating. Instead, they have a Faith potential, a measure of how much Faith a demon can use to reconfigure their souls. Standard Human thralls s have a Faith potential of 2.

Supernatural thralls have a different system for calculating dealing with thralldom as a whole and their specified mechanics.

Vampires = 1 Willpower Expended for 1FP.
Werewolves = Gnosis Rating x2 in FP. (Their Rage doubles.)
Imbued = Highest Virtue Rating X3 in FP.
Mages = Arete x2 in FP.

No rolls are needed to reshape the mortal's soul. The mortal's Faith rating is used as dice-pool of points for buying effects and gifts that benefit the thrall, according to the following house-rules:

A point of Faith can be used to repair chronic injuries or impairments regardless of nature” allowing a paralyzed character to walk or giving sight to a blind thrall. If the mortal is missing lethal health levels as an effect of his condition, they are converted into bashing levels, which can then heal normally.

One point of Faith can be used to impart one of the demon's inherent powers, such as immunity to mind-control. The thrall permanently benefits from this power, rolling Willpower (difficulty 7) to activate its effects.

One or more points of Faith can be used to give the mortal a limited evocation from the demon's lore. This gift costs one to five Faith points, depending on the level of the evocation in question (i.e., a three-dot evocation would cost the mortal three of her Faith points.) To perform the evocation, the thrall must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8 ), with the number of successes determining the scope and effect of the evocation.

One point of Faith bestows one of the enhancements of the demon's apocalyptic form on the thrall. To benefit from the enhancement, the thrall must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). Success allows the thrall to use the enhancement for a scene. The demon can bestow more than one enhancement, but he must spend a point of Faith on each.

Additional Attribute dots may be purchased at the rate of two dots per point of Faith potential.

Additional Abilities dots may be purchased at the rate of five dots per point of Faith potential.

A point of Faith can be converted into 10 freebie points. These points can be used to buy or improve traits such as Attributes, Abilities or Willpower. They cannot be used for improving Backgrounds.

Tailored Enhancements:
Demons are not constrained to the basic enhancements detailed in the section above. The fallen & the Thrall player can also work on a specific, tailored enhancements that relate to the Celestial realms specific to their House.

Designing tailored Enhancements

Keep it personal: The enhancement should be limited and personal to the thrall only.

Keep it limited: The more powerful or far-reaching the enhancement is, the less often it can be used or the stringer the requirements are.

Keep range and radius of effect limited to the character's Faith potential.

Keep the enhancement appropriate to the demon's house. (It doesn't make sense for an Asharu thrall to deal with the shadowlands/Death.)

Faith as a Weapon:
For demons, names are more than simply labels — they are intrinsic parts of the demons’ very nature. While a demon may have many names, his original Celestial Name, the name of his human host, titles and nicknames, he has only one True Name.
Originally, this was the name given to him by the Creator; after the Fall, the True Names of all demons altered and mutated to fit their fundamentally changed nature. For the demons now incarnate in human hosts, the potential exists for their True Names to change once more if they can radically redefine themselves and their diabolic nature.
Learning someone’s True Name is an incredibly useful tool against them, and the search to learn True Names plays an important part in a demon game, however in our chronicle the system has been revamped.

For a True Name to be used, the wielder must understand the meaning of it Furthermore, the name can only be used if it is spoken, as the user channels the breath of the Creator through his own breath.

Therefore, a Name has no power if it is just written down or simply pulled together by accident. There are 3 ways to discover a demon's true name:

Method N°1: Research: Provided that the player has access to rare and appropriate demonology books related to the fallen, arcane books of old knowledge, finding the right books would be a story in itself, though, as tomes of true occult knowledge are rare and jealously guarded by their owners.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Occult Difficulty 9 ( No modifiers) once per month,  The amount of
successes required is Faith x 7 + Legacy. In case of a failure, the search is halted for a month and the number of successes required to discover the name is increased by 4. In the case of a botch, the search is lost for good and the player can't longer use this method to attain a true name.

Method N°2: Investigation:
Investigating a crime scene, looking for the subtle touches that betray the criminal’s personality or by Ransacking the demon’s sanctum, finding her personal belongings and seeing what they say about her.

System: The player rolls Perception + Investigation/Empathy Difficulty 9 (No modifiers) once, This method doesn't show the True name at all but it helps the research method ( check above) as each you can add each success gained by the said roll.

Method N°3:  Observing the Demon:
Every time a demon performs an invocation, she leaves an imprint in the fabric of reality, similar to a psychic fingerprint.
System: The player rolls Perception + Occult difficulty 10 - Faith points used during that scene.
This scent, however, lasts for a short while depending on the amount of faith that has been invested (1 hour per faith point). This method doesn't show the True name at all but it helps the research method ( check above) as each you can add each success gained by the said roll.

Faith Potential & Supernaturals:
Due to our inflated Faith potential system, when supernatural beings attempt to roll his faith potential against the fallen, the fallen can roll his Willpower + faith to resist.

Notice: To use the aforementioned system, the player must KNOW or possess the knowledge of using faith as a weapon, a Gaia bound Garou wouldn't pray at the sight of a demon nor a virtual adept mage.

Summoning: To summon a demon, the players need to have the correct ritual. There are literally thousands of summoning rituals described in various occult tomes, and the vast majority do nothing at all. The remaining few have power, but only if applied to the right demon.
A ritual designed to bind an Earthbound will likely have no effect against a modern fallen. At the very least, the ritual must address the correct demonic House. To summon a Devourer, for instance, you must have a ritual designed to summon a Devourer and not a Malefactor.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 9) once per week, where the summoner needs to accumulate the target demon's Faith x 5 successes. Before the player can even attempt the roll, though, the character needs to know something about the demon he means to summon — her name (preferably her True Name) and her House. Most rituals include methods for both summoning and binding a demon (although some only do one or the other).
In case of a failure, the summoning fails, if botched, it either nothing happens or the player has summoned something that they shouldn't ( Up to the storyteller).

Gaining Faith:
There will be two ways to gain Faith. From Pacts, and from Reaping.
Pacts are your usual thrall-demon infernal contracts. If you've decided to retain Faith from a contract, you will be able to regenerate it each day. If your thralls are playable characters, this means that every morning at 6 AM(/time) you will be able to regenerate a set number of Faith, depending on your pact.

In order to benefit from this, you will need to have a /RPFS set up with the following format.
Offered Faith: [1-5] Thrall_Name (IC:time), [1-5] Thrall_Name (IC:time).
Example: Offered Faith: [4] Jin_Sayashi: (6:00), [1] NPC-Andrew_Rack (14:00)
The ICtime stands for when "Dawn" occurs for the Thrall. If your thrall is established in Moscow, Russia, then you receive Faith at 20:00 (8PM /ictime).

If you were not online at 6 AM, you can still use the regeneration label when you log into the server. For every day in which you were offline, you can regenerate the amount of Faith. If you have a 1 point pact and you haven't come online in three days, you can regenerate all 3 when logging in

Please beware that separating thralls across the globe without maintenance or interaction will result in their Faith waning. You won't be able to simply buy 10 background points and scatter them across the globe for benefits and no roleplay reason to do so. Consult a race moderator.

Non-playable character thralls:
If your thrall is an NPC (via Pacts background), you need to have a RPF entry detailing their location and time of 'dawning' in your application and the background rpf.

Pacts (2pt. Background): You regenerate 2 Temporary Faith points every day.
Pacts (Continued): Boris Petrovski from California (6:00) and Valeryi Zharkov from France (21:00).

Reaping Faith: Reaping follows the base mechanics detailed in D:TF p. 250, but the amount is house-ruled.

Having properly roleplayed your display of angelic or demonic might, you make the standard opposed Willpower check. If successful, you gain 1 Faith point, and an additional faith point for each 2 successes that exceed your opponent's. If you roll Willpower 9 (difficulty 7) and achieve 7 successes, and the 'victim' rolls Willpower 4 (difficulty 7) and gets only 1, then you receive 3 Faith Points in a single reaping feat. Note that these scenes need to be at least 30 minutes in length.

Reaping NPCs: Reaping NPC players is downtimed and takes 6 hours per attempt. You are not expected to roleplay this in great detail, but the intent to attempt a NPC reaping needs to be declared in a /me or /do. Having rolled, your character enters downtime. NPC victims have a starting Willpower of 6 for the purpose of determining their resistance.

Before you can reap an NPC, you first need to find an adequate target. A demon must roll Wits + Intuition at difficulty 9. This roll determines whether your demon can find a proper target, in a proper scenario. Reaping NPCs can be done in Los Santos, San Fierro or Venturas, but it can also be attempted in Angel Pine. Beware of the cameras and witnesses. Reaping in a hunter infested town carries its risks, but also its rewards. Setting aside the fact that you don't have to travel to a big city, the citizens of Angel Pine might be more open minded about the idea of demons and angels existing. The difficulty for the Wits + Intuition rolls is reduced by 1 when in town.

Botch - Your reaping target is affiliated to hunters; cameras or bystanders witnessed your acts. If you botched a roll, you need to contact a storyteller. Exposing yourself as a loathsome demon might get you hunted.
Fail - You stumble about but fail to discern an adequate target. You cannot attempt a reaping until the downtime expires.
1 success - You find a target after several hours of searching. They have a Willpower of 6.
2 successes - You find a suitable target after three hours. They have a Willpower of 5.
3 successes - You find a great target within two hours. Their Willpower is 4.
4 successes - You find a target within 1 hour, their Willpower is 3.
5 successes - You stumble on someone in a dire situation almost immediately, making reaping a fairly trivial task. Their Willpower is 2 for the purpose of resisting your act.

When reaping targets in Angel Pine, you are expected to roleplay at least part of the scenario.

Learning Lores:
Even if he's not actually doing anything, a demon is a still a being like no other on Earth. A marriage of celestial and mortal souls, the demon's spiritual nature allows him a wide range of passive abilities; the power to see through illusions, resistance to disease and poison, the capacity to hear his name being invoked and a memory that covers untold aeons of time. The demon also has a number of more active abilities, such as capability to repair the injuries of his host body and the power to manifest his apocalyptic form.

But one facet of demonkind most clearly shows their difference from humans -- the power to govern the forces of Creation itself with no more than a word, a breath or a thought. These are the evocations of a demon's lore, his knowledge of the secret mechanisms of the universe. The power to evoke his lore is the flashiest and most impressive of a demon's abilities, but it's a power that's far more impressive and complex than it might appear.

It's important to remember that your character's lore is more than a simple collection of magic spell or super powers. The character's lore -- particularly his primary and House lore -- is an intrinsic part of his very nature. The demon has the power to evoke lore because, in the core of his being, he is that lore -- or, more clearly, he's a reflection of that lore. Yes, lore is a knowledge, but it's a knowledge of the soul, not the mind, and that knowledge reshapes your character's soul in its image.

Nothing illustrates this point more strongly than your character's visage, the apocalyptic form related to his primary lore. When your character manifests his apocalyptic form, his lore is more than just knowledge, it's the substance of his being. A Devourer manifesting his Zaltu visage isn't just taking on a different form, he is a beast, an amalgam of all creatures of the wild. Similarly, a Malefactor manifesting the Kishar visage infuses his body and soul with the power of Earth. Even though his flesh doesn't become stone, it takes on the spiritual essence of stone. When Torment warps a character's nature and personality, his soul becomes corrupted, and the visage of his revelatory form becomes corrupted in turn, just as the evocations of his lore become warped and destructive.

Because lore is more than just knowledge, it can't simply be learned like any mundane skill. Your character doesn't just learn a new formula or pick up a new trick. Instead, gaining lore requires making changes to the very soul and nature of your character. These changes might be due to the character slowly regaining the memories and energies of his demonic soul, suppressed by his confinement to a human host. Alternatively, the changes could be very new. It's possible for a demon to gain new lore from a teacher, altering the shape of his soul to take on new spiritual knowledge. No matter how the character's lore improves, though, a wealth of roleplaying potential lies in the improvement process, and many ways exist to explore the ramifications of the changes in your character's abilities.

Demon's Memory:
Before being imprisoned in the Abyss, most demons were masters of their lore. Such a virtuous receives a great shock when arriving in the mortal world -- she finds she's forgotten how to evoke much of her store of knowledge! Long aeons in Hell, unable to manipulate Creation, have served to dull her abilities. What's more, though, the fabric of Creation has changed so much since the Age of Wrath that the demon must relearn much of her reformer knowledge. This hampered even further by the problems of living in a mortal host. Most of the demon's memories are inaccessible, too great to contain in her host's brain, and without the immediate memory of her lore, relearning her skills will be even more difficult.

Difficult, but not impossible, that is. With time and practice -- and expenditure of experience points -- your character can remember or relearn any lore she once knew. It's up to you to decide what lore your character actually knew before her time in Hell, depending on the character concept and your vision of how skilled the character is/was. You can increase the lore that your character once knew in the normal manner, by spending experience points. Doing so represents the character remembering the evocations of old or learning how to perform those evocations in the changed environment of the modern world.

Your character's primary lore is a given -- all demons were masters of their primary lore before their time in Hell. Many demons also mastered their other House lore, and you can assume that your character  can eventually recall all the evocations of her House unless you feel that she should have been deficient in that lore for some reason. Your character might have been skilled in the Common lore, or she might not -- that's a decision you should make based on your character concept. Mastery of lore from other Houses is rarer, and few demons could evoke powerful effects from other lore even during the Age of Wrath. If you feel that your character should have known a particular non-house lore, talk to your Storyteller. He might allow the character access to that lore, or he could prohibit access. He might rule that your character can remember that lore, but perhaps on a certain level, with the more powerful evocations only available if the character seeks training.

Fugue, how it works? Using Legacy background:
For demons with the Legacy Background, another options exists for relearning the forgotten evocations of their past. Your character can enter a fugue -- a catatonic state -- in which she relives ancient memories of the Age of Wrath, when she was at the height of her power. When she finally emerges from her reverie, she brings with her greater recollection of her primary lore, and she might even be able to perform new evocations immediately.

The following optional system allows characters to enter a fugue and gain greater facility with their primary lore. This system is available for use only with Storyteller permission. Only characters with the Legacy Background can enter a fugue, and only their primary lore can be improved in this way.

To enter a fugue, your character must deliberately retreat deep into her buried memories, first retrieving a specific memory, then reliving it in great detail. Doing so takes a significant amount of time -- from hours to even days, depending on the memory accessed. Once in fugue, your character relives the memory of having used a specific evocation -- the next one on her primary lore path. So if your character has three dots in her primary lore, she recalls a time when she used the fourth-dot evocation of her lore.

This memory is so vivid and enthralling that, for the duration of the memory, the character doesn't even realize she's reliving a memory! For all intents and purposes, the character is taking part in a scene from her past. The Storyteller can use this as an opportunity for roleplay, assigning new roles to the other players and playing out the scene in detail. It can be a fun cut-scene that adds new dimension to the game, and it can even be used to introduce new story elements. If the Storyteller or other players don't feel like doing so, the remembrance process can simply be abstracted while your character bows out of the story for a scene.

Once the fugue ends, the character emerges with a new grasp on her primary lore. Make a roll (difficulty 6) using your Legacy Background as the dice pool. Each success on this roll gives you an experience point that can be spent only on improving your character's primary lore. Thus it becomes that little bit cheaper to purchase another dot in your character's primary lore. Furthermore, if your character entered a fugue in the middle of a story, and you have enough experience points available to improve her primary lore, you can do so immediately, rather than in downtime! (this option is currently unavailable)

Entering fugue is a useful way of improving lore, but it has limits. During play, the character must spend a complete scene in this fugue state, unable to react to the world around her or defend herself from attack. If she takes damage, the fugue ends prematurely. She not only gains no benefit from the recollection attempt, but she'll be groggy and unfocused for the rest of the scene (increase the difficulty of all tasks by one). Fugues can also be entered during downtime, which is generally safer. In this case, the Storyteller decides how much time is required for the attempt. The character can enter a fugue only once per story, or once per period of downtime. And finally, you can never gain more bonus experience points at one time more than your Legacy rating. Only once those points are spent on a new dot you can benefit from entering fugue once again.

Teaching Lores:
Many demons can recall their past mastery of lore without undue difficulty, but some feel that they need to learn the evocations of another House's lore in order to survive and thrive in this strange new world. These demons need teachers -- other demons who have mastered the lore in question and can impart their knowledge to others. Teaching can also be useful if a demon wantts help in recalling lore that he has forgotten.

It's usually up to the Storyteller whether your character needs training and a teacher in order to learn a new evocation. Your Storyteller may rule that all characters require teaching if they want to gain lore from another house, or even common lore. She may decide that a teacher is useful but not essential, or she could decide on a case-by-case basis, depending on the character. Similarly, she might decide that your character can't seek teaching for a lore, and must either recall old knowledge or learn the lore from scratch.

Finding a teacher:
Before your character can be taught by another demon, he needs to find a teacher. Any demon with a greater knowledge of the lore in question can serve as a teacher. If your character has no dots in a particular lore, then someone with just a single dot in that lore could teach him basic evocations. Once your character's knowledge of the lore equals that of his teacher, he must find another, more skilled, instructor or attempt to improve his capabilities on his own. Ideally, the teacher should be a demon who possesses that lore as her primary lore, or a House lore. These demons have the best understanding of that lore, and they make the best instructors. It's not essential, though. A Scourge could teach a Malefactor the Lore of Radiance if needs be, although she'll be less skilled teacher than a Devil of the Qingu visage.

While finding a teacher can be a simple task, it might be more difficult for your character to persuade her to teach him the lore. Even if a suitable demon is willing to teach your character, she's not going to do it for free. To get tutelage, your character will have to pay some kind of price or seek out another (perhaps less suitable) instructor. The character's price might be cash, but that's unlikely -- demons have lots of ways of getting money if thats what they want. It's more likely that the demon will demand a favor from your character, perhaps a task he must complete or a relic he must retrieve. Fulfilling the teacher's demands may be a story in itself, one in which the rest of the  troupe can participate.

The Learning Process:
Once your character has found a teacher and fulfilled her demands, it's time to knuckle down to the process of actually learning the new evocation. This is harder than it sounds. As stated earlier, lore isn't just a normal skill that can be learned through practice or rote memorization - it's a spiritual power that demands the character's very nature change in learning it.

To a mortal observer, the act of learning lore from another would look very different from learning how to drive from an instructor. After all, the student can't perform the evocation he's trying to learn until he's learned it -- he can't even make clumsy attempts to perform it. The best he can do is perform a lesser evocation from the same lore. Similarly, the teacher can't just perform the evocation a few times and expect her student to pick it up (although that probably will play a part in the process). Instead, the student must increase his intuitive understanding of the lore in question, and reshape his spiritual nature (and perhaps even his personality) in order to truly see the part the lore plays in Creation. Only then he can come to understand how to command that facet on Creation in a new way.

Many things increase a character's understanding of a lore path. Here are some suggestions for tasks or lessons a teacher might set her student; your Storyteller will come up with other tasks your character might need to perform.

Important actions in a teaching session:
• The teacher performs the evocation several times, while the student uses his supernatural awareness to feel how Creation is manipulated.

•The student watches others perform the evocation, looking for how their methods differ from those of his teacher.

•The student observes the apocalyptic form of a demon whose primary lore is the lore in question, and he ponders how this form reflects the lore.

• The student undergoes a remembrance ritual (if he has the Legacy Background) to recall instances where he saw others performing the evocation.

• The student evokes lesser effects of the lore in new ways and ponders on how Creation is changed by the evocation -- and how Creation resists the change.

• If he is low in Torment, the student deliberately evokes high-Torment effects of the lore. If he is high in Torment, the student tries hard to evoke low-Torment effects. He then ponders the difference between effects and how the effects are related.

• The student surrounds himself with a resonance of the lore and meditates on how that resonance affects reality.

• The student acts as if he had different personality, one more in tune with the lore - altering his Demeanor in accordance with the lore's resonance)

The benefits of teaching:

If the character works hard, he should eventually learn the new evocation from his teacher. This is likely to take some time, usually the length of a story -- weeks to months, depending on the flow the chronicle. It's up to the Storyteller to decide when your character has learned enough and whether you can finally spend experience points on improving your character's lore. If your  character has spent a significant amount of time working on improving his lore -- practicing or learning at least once a chapter over the length of a story -- the Storyteller will generally allow you to spend the experience points.

Your Storyteller might rule that the lore costs just as many experience points to learn from a teacher as it would learn from memory. After all, if your character never knew the evocation, he wouldn't be able to learn it at all without a teacher's assistance. Alternatively, the Storyteller might decide to allow you to purchase a new dot of lore at a slightly reduced cost.

After all, your character took a lot more time learning it than he would have spent simply remembering a forgotten evocation. The following optional system may be used at the Storyteller's discretion to reduce the cost of the new dot (do not use this without moderator permission).

At the end of a story in which your character has been learning the new lore, the Storyteller rolls a dice pool equal to the teacher's rating in the relevant lore during downtime. The difficulty of this roll depends on the lore that was being taught.

If the Storyteller character was teaching her primary lore, the difficulty is 6.

If she was teaching a House lore (but not her primary lore), or teaching common lore, the difficulty is 7.

If she was teaching lore from a different House, the difficulty is 8.
Example: Gary's character is attempting to learn from a Scourge of the Anshar visage. If his character was attempting to learn the Lore of the Firmament (his teacher's primary lore), the Storyteller would roll against difficulty 6. If the character was learning the Lore of Humanity or the Lore of Awakening from hr, the Storyteller would roll against difficulty 7. If the character was trying to learn the Lore of the Earth, the difficulty would be 8.

Each success on the roll gives you a bonus experience point that can be spent only only improving the appropriate lore. Your character can spend several stories learning from a teacher, amassing more bonus experience points in each period of downtime, but he can never have more bonus points at one time than his teacher's rating in the lore. Once you reach that point, any excess points are lost. Only once you spend the bonus points on improving the character's lore can he benefit from further teaching.

Faith Empowerments:
Once upon a time,  demons were able to shift their forms with a thought , if they could conceive it their bodies could become it. They could shapeshift into animals become walking pillars of wind or fire could even become bodiless abstractions like music,  beauty or pain. Alas, the modern World of Darkness is no longer a place of widespread spiritual belief and what little Faith is left is not enough to sustain such mutable forms. But for beings that have escaped a supposedly eternal prison, nothing is impossible. With a sufficient store of Faith and a heroic will, a demon might still learn the means to alter his form from moment to moment as the situation demands even unlocking powers that affect his host.

As the demon faith rating increases  the demon becomes able to manifest additional powers called Faith Empowerments as a side-effect of their faith increase  these powers may affect the following Attributes and Abilities that each House can change  as well as general guidelines concerning the nature of their special abilities:

Level 1 Empowerments:

The demon at this level can reach into glimpses of his former might as his adequate faith reserve start affecting his mortal host to a limited extent and they are mostly trivial and cosmetic which correlates to the demon's visage and house.

Devils: Liar's Ear: The Devil can automatically tell when someone lies to him.

Scourges: Curative Saliva: Once per scene, the Scourge can lick the wounds of a mortal or demon. This action heals all bashing damage or one level of lethal damage.

Malefactors: Creator's Mark: If the player makes a successful Perception + Awareness roll, the Malefactor automatically knows who created an object, as well as when it was constructed and the manner of its construction. The character must be able to touch the object in question to gain the information. This power does not detect a demon's Celestial or True name.

Fiends: Danger Sense: The Fiend is highly attuned to potential threats , if danger is imminent, the Storyteller roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 6) on the character's behalf. The more successes rolled, the more detailed a picture the character receives of any impending danger.

Defilers: Soul Glimpse: If a Defiler meets the gaze of a mortal or demon, he can gain a sense of that person's basic nature. Roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7); if successful, the demon learns the victim's Nature and Demeanour.

Devourers:  Mimic: The Devourer can manipulate her vocal cords to almost perfectly mimic any natural sound. Upon hearing a sound or voice the character wants to mimic, the player rolls Perception + Performance. The initial difficulty is 8, but it decreases by one for each consecutive turn the character spends listening to the sound she wants to imitate. If successful, the demon can mimic the sound at will as long as she is in her apocalyptic form.

Slayers:  Silent Steps: The Slayer makes no sound whatsoever as she moves, seeming to glide soundlessly over the ground.

Level 2 Empowerments:

As the demon's faith reserve increase, his control over the creation and himself start to manifest, unlocking more and more power from their former selves and they serve as a more potent expression from the level 1 power, giving the demon new useful but minor abilities.


Devils: Abyssal Eyes: The Devil's eyes turn to liquid shadow, oozing down his face or occasionally reaching out like tendrils or fingers. Any mortal or demon who meets the Devil's gaze loses three dice from all her dice pools for the duration of the turn unless a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6) is made.

Scourges: Martyr's Flesh: The Scourge is able to ignore all wound penalties in her revelatory form.

Malefactors: Flesh of Magma: The Malefactor's flesh glows orange like molten steel. Anyone who comes in contact with this demon's flesh suffers one level of lethal damage per turn of contact. Inflammable materials burst into flame upon contact with the demon's skin.

Fiends: Invisibility: The character can bend light around her body, becoming invisible. This effort requires constant concentration , make an Intelligence + Stealth roll (difficulty 6) each turn to maintain the character's invisibility. If the character attempts any other action that calls for a die roll, the invisibility fails. Demons can attempt to penetrate this as they would any illusion.

Defilers: Aura of Want: The Defiler can affect mortals with overpowering feelings of longing and despair within a radius in yards equal to the character's Torment. Unless a successful Willpower roll is made (difficulty 8 , the victim forfeits his action each turn as long as he remains within the area of effect. Demons are immune to this ability.

Devourers: Clinging Flesh: The Demon's skin is covered with millions of molecule-sized hooks that allow her to cling to almost any surface. The demon can climb the sheerest of surfaces, even plate glass, with a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6).

Slayers: Death Sight: In her revelatory form, the Slayer can look at a person and determine his relative health. No roll is required. A single glance tells the Slayer how close the individual is to dying through natural causes or injury.

Level 3 Empowerments:

At this level, the demon's intense faith reserves would start to hold sway over his mortal shell, unlocking more potent powers of his past and they manifest as potent and rare unique power to the demon in question that offers a glimpse of his former might.


Devils:Razor Wings: The Devil sprouts a pair of white wings from his shoulders whose long pinions are sharp and flexible as razors. The Devil can attack opponents in close combat (or by swooping past a target while in flight) with a successful Dexterity + Melee roll (difficulty 7 if standing, difficulty 6 while in flight). The razor wings inflict Strength + 4 aggravated damage.

Scourges: Plague Touch: With a single touch, the Scourge can inflict a deadly disease on a victim. If the demon touches her target, the victim suffers a number of levels of bashing damage equal to the Scourge's Torment score. Further, unless a successful Stamina roll is made (difficulty 7), the target suffers one level of lethal damage per day for a number of days equal to the Scourge's Torment score.

Malefactors:Shattering Touch: The Malefactor can read the harmonic vibration of an inorganic object by touch and shatter it with a precise application of pressure. The player makes a Faith roll; the target depends on the relative density of the object: difficulty 6 for glass, difficulty 7 for wood, difficulty 8 for stone, difficulty 9 for metals. The character can shatter one square yard of matter per Torment point.

Fiends: Infinite Tome: The difficulty for all Knowledge rolls decreases by two.

Defilers: Water Breathing: The demon can breathe underwater just as if she were breathing air.

Devourers: Eyes of the Predator: The Devourer manifests the golden irises of a wolf or tiger; the difficulty of all Intimidation rolls decreases by two.

Slayers: Aura of Darkness: The Slayer creates an area of darkness around itself out to a distance in yards equal to the character's Faith score. Light sources within this radius (natural or otherwise) simply go out and refuse to re-ignite as long as they are within the area of affect. Individuals caught within this radius (except the character) are subject to the Blind Fighting rules on page 240 of the Demon core rules.

Level 4 Empowerments:

Now things get interesting for the demon, as his host capabilities reaching its limits, the demon's faith reserve would start manifesting a resonance of energy that equates to obtaining potent additional empowerment that is a potent expression of power that shouldn't be taken lightly.


Devils: Halo of Majesty: A shifting golden halo surrounds the Devil's head and face. No mortal or demon can attack the Devil without a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8 ).

Scourges: Spore Cloud: Once per day, the Scourge can emit a cloud of spores from his body that is light enough to remain suspended in air and drift with the wind. Living creatures that pass through this cloud of spores pick up scores of microbes on their skin and clothes but are otherwise unharmed. The Scourge can receive sensory information from this spore cloud for the duration of the scene, allowing the demon to see and hear everything occurring in the vicinity of the spores as though she were standing there herself.

Malefactors: Absorption: The Malefactor is capable of absorbing inorganic objects into his body, turning his appendages into living toolboxes or causing his body to bristle with an assortment of blades, spikes, and cruel hooks. The Malefactor can absorb any inorganic object into his body with a successful Faith roll (difficulty 7) and suffer no discomfort or damage. Note that this only lasts as long as the demon is in its apocalyptic form , once the fallen reverts to his mortal form, the objects are expelled.

Fiends: Mirage: The character can create an illusory aura that transforms her appearance, allowing her to disguise her features from distant or careless observers. Roll Intelligence + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). An observer must gain more successes on a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 7) to see the character's true features. Demons can attempt to penetrate this as they would any illusion.

Defilers: Soporific Touch: The Defiler's touch can cause a victim to fall into a deep sleep. If the demon touches the victim's bare skin, make a resisted Willpower roll , the difficulty for the Defiler's roll is 6, while the roll for the victim uses the Defiler's Torment as its difficulty. If the Defiler's player wins the contest, the victim falls into a near-comatose state for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith.

Devourers: Repellent Musk: The Devourer can exude a frightful stench that affects victims within a radius in yards equal to the character's Faith score. Unless a successful Stamina roll (difficulty 8 ) is made, each victim loses four dice from all her dice pools for the duration of the scene.

Slayers: Voice of the Banshee: Once per scene, the Slayer can emit a hideous wail that fills her foes with feelings of imminent death. Any individual (friend or foe) within a number of yards equal to the character's Faith score will flee from the demon's presence unless a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8 ) is made.

Level 5 Empowerment

The flesh is malleable as the demon's intense faith fashion the demon's host as he'd desire, creating additional powers that mirror the power of the old, granting him supernatural strength or immunity which are quite the sight to behold, manifesting control over the host to such extent.

Devils: Mental Blast: The demon can overwhelm a mortal's mind with a wave of telepathic energy. Target a mortal within line of sight and roll Wits + Intimidation. The target resists with a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). Each success inflicts a level of bashing damage to the target (which cannot be soaked), and leaves him stunned and unable to act for one turn. This power is invisible to onlookers but detectable with supernatural awareness, and it has no effect on demons.

Scourges: Deadly Blood: The character's blood is deadly , fire, acid, molten metal or a similar substance moves through its veins. Opponents in close combat suffer one level of lethal damage each time they successfully inflict damage on the demon, and the blood could damage any object it touches.

Malefactors: Immune to Bashing Damage (Host): The character suffers no damage at all from any attack that would normally inflict bashing damage. (Immune to Lethal if it's revelatory related)

Fiends: Cause Insanity: The demon can cause mortals to become temporarily insane. Spend a point of Faith and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge against any target within line of sight; the mortal resists with a Willpower roll. If the demon gains more success, she may inflict any chosen derangement onto the target, which lasts until the end of the scene. If she gains four or more successes, the derangement is semi-permanent, and can only be removed through psychiatric help and counseling.

Defilers: Cartilaginous Flesh: The demon's skin becomes thick and rubbery and is highly resistant to any form of blunt trauma. All bashing damage inflicted on the character is halved before the soak roll is made.

Devourers: Superhuman Attribute (Host): One of the demon's Attributes becomes superhumanly effective. Choose an Attribute; the demon receives an automatic success on any and all rolls involving that Attribute. This power can be selected multiple times, either adding further successes to one Attribute or improving a number of different Attributes.

Slayers: Damage Resistance: The demon can soak aggravated damage with her normal Stamina soak pool.

Level 6 Empowerment

The limits of the host, the demons transcend the limits of flesh, transcending into something that pushes his host to the limit. They are treated as plot devices, there are no examples as it would require discussion with the Moderator if a demon ever manages to attain such level.

Lores and Modifications
Some lores evocations will require modifications and clarifications to be properly used in our chronicle, here's the list of them.

Lore of the Fundament
• Manipulate Gravity: This power can be used to launch/leap yourself against your foes and try to nullify their actions ONLY if you're higher in initiative.

••• Manipulate Inertia: The roll for this evocation is rolled only ONCE, if you wish to throw more knives, you split/use extra actions visage/extra limbs and apply the same amount of automatic damage.

Lore of Humanity
• Translate: This power does not make you able to speak other languages, such as from "English" to "Russian" but it just makes people supernaturally understand what you say/be understood.

Lore of the Celestials
•• Send Vision [T]: This power can be used against fallens as well, however they may soak the damage rolling their stamina + faith at difficulty 6.

••• Pilar of Faith: The maximum boost a fallen can get from this evocation is the caster's faith rating. "The Devil cannot provide more bonus dice than her permanent Faith score, and if the recipient’s roll botches he still loses a point of Faith as normal."

Lore of the Radiance
• Voice of Heaven: Victims of this power may spend one willpower point to reduce the resisting willpower difficulty depending on the command.
Difficulty 5: Commands such as "Clean my house, harm a stranger your character doesn't know, or steal a car.
Difficulty 4: Kill your friend, harm your lover, destroy your own house.
Difficulty 3: Harm yourself, kill yourself, destroy something you live for.

•• Exalt: This power will take place instantly as soon the devil wants to inspire someone, even if you're lower initiative, your target will receive the boost as if you were the first.

Lore of Portals
•• Create Ward: The fiend may expend one willpower point and make the ward last forever.

••••• Doorway into Darkness: The realm where the fiend ends up in, are NOT the shadowlands.

Lore of the Spirit:
This lore will allow the player to interact with with Ghosts (from Demon: the Fallen, Storyteller's Companion - Page 55); It is also house ruled that these ghosts are kept near to Fetters, and not "haunts".

Lore of the Realms:
Ereshkigal are known to be the typology of Halaku most attuned with the shadowlands and the most expert on, those with Realms as primary may benefit of +5 Dexterity while traveling the deadlands.[/b]

Last edited by Mr.death on 19/2/2023, 15:13; edited 2 times in total

descriptionDemon House Rules EmptyRe: Demon House Rules

Hello everyone! In the recent days, I've seen many people ask what is exclusive and what is not, and since our game-system may reveal itself a bit confusing when it comes to such, I thought of making a general guide about "What's exclusive? And what's not", but before getting in-depth with the exclusive features, I'll be replying to a few questions you guys made.

Do we need to apply for exclusive features?: Yes, if you wish to play an exclusive character (such as vampiric bloodlines or Nephandi mages) or if you wish to get your hands on special gifts/disciplines/lores, you require an application that will ask for the race moderator's opinion; should the race moderator find your request alright, then congratulations, you'll be able to get the feature... it's really simple, but it's needed to prevent people from roleplaying things they don't know about.

How do we know what's exclusive and what's not?: This is the question I was asked the most, and the entire point of this guide will be listing them, so that you guys know what's exclusive and what's not; let's begin.

Exclusive Fallen Houses: Demons in general can reveal itself to be a very complex race, I believe there are houses that are more-fitting for beginners than some others, hence why I decided to split them into exclusive and non-exclusive ones:

Halaku/Seventh House:  Because of their complex mechanics, and their powers, Halaku demons will require permissions from the appropriate race moderator to be played.

Annunaki/Third House:  Because of their complex mechanics, and their powers, Annunaki demons will require permissions from the appropriate race moderator to be played.

Namaru/First House: We all know that Namaru powers in the wrong hands can reveal themselves dumbly broken, and because of that the First House requires permissions to be played.

Common Houses: I believe these are the most newbie-friendly houses, and so I decided to make them playable without the need of authorizations.

Neberu/Fourth House: Neberu Characters also known as Fiends will be playable without the need of permissions.

Lammasu/Fifth House: Lammasu Characters also known as Defilers will be playable without the need of permissions.

Rabisu/Sixth House:  Rabisu Characters also known as Devourers will be playable without the need of permissions.

Asharu/Second House:  Asharu Characters also known as Scourges will be playable without the need of permissions.

Demon Lores: If you're wondering how demon lores will work on our chronicles, don't worry, our system will be rather simple, we won't need you to write 5000 word applications, but since Demon is a complex race, and requires the players to know what they're doing, character development will be a fundamental need.

Upgrading Lores: Upgrading In-House Lores won't require applications up to the third dot of lore; if you wish to progress further, you will need to apply for permissions from your race moderator; activity and character development will be needed as giving such powers is a big responsibility.

Out-of-House Lores: Getting out-of-house lores will be considered exclusive, no matter the house, and you will require a short application for your race moderator's permissions before getting your hands in a lore that does not belong to your house.

Common Visages and In-House Visages: At character creation, every fallen player chooses his character's visages and characteristics; how does exclusivity works with visages?; Every player will be free to choose any common visage and those belonging to his house freely without the need of an application.

Out-of-House Visages: All Fallen characters who wish to purchase out-of-house visages in creation, will require permissions from their race moderator, example: A Namaru player trying to start with Tremor Sense will have to apply for their race moderator's permission before including that in their apocalyptic visages.

Exclusive Faith Rating: In our chronicle, demons will be able to raise their faith up to a rating of Five before the need of applying; proceeding further will require applications as such rating starts getting higher and higher.
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