Hunter House Rules Unknown

As some of you already know, the Chronicle where we will all be playing is a crossover of various World of Darkness books that in most cases weren't meant to be played together, and because of that house-brewed systems were made to bring balance and fair-play among of the races; these rules will have priority over those of the books, and the /help guide in-game, and are expected to be followed by everyone; every Hunter Player is expected to follow these rules and is also expected to keep himself/herself updated, as the Hunter Race Moderators may revise them.

• Hunters may not distinguish each other through the usage of powers anymore. You must find another way to distinguish and find other Hunters through roleplay.
• The race uses the Experience system for gaining Edges as described in the book Hunter: The Reckoning Players Guide (Page 85-86). (Edges gaining system use the path system which means they are learned from down to top. E.g.: You need to learn Hide (Innocence 1) Edge before learning Illuminate (Innocence 2), and no edge can exceed your Creed Virtue in rank.)
• Gambling your Conviction will not increase your Virtues. Also, please note that you may gamble your Conviction only once per scene. Failing the edge means you lose all of your temporary Conviction as specified in the book.
• As a Hunter, you may start with 3 levels worth of edges (Level 1 & Level 2 Edges, or three Level 1 Edges). You can't apply for any more edges on your application. However, you can apply for an edge after the passage of 24 hours which start from the moment you racechange.
• You may not spend a Willpower Point for an automatic success while activating Edges.
• You may not roleplay gaining any benefits from Hunter-NET unless you have at least a Computer rating of 2.
• Hunter edges are reflexive unless stated otherwise in the book. Examples for edges that require an action are Smolder and Harpoon.

Aggravated Damages:
As Aggravating Damages never existed in Hunter: The Reckoning, some edges will be dealing aggravating damage instead of lethal damage. Here's a list of the edges affected:
All Level 5 Edges that deal damage. (Such as Smite (Vengeance 5) and Harpoon (Vengeance 5)
Cleave (Vengeance 1)
Ravage (Martyrdom 3)

Avengers Edges:

Cleave (Vengeance 1): Spontaneously created weapons do not take an action to form. It deals Strength/Aggravated as opposed to Strength + 2/L; The weapon can take any desired form, but the difficulty to employ the weapon will always be 6 - regardless of the chosen weapon. Additionally, special effects (i.e. Stiletto's armor negation) do not apply.
An existing weapon that's empowered inflicts an additional +2 damage. This damage is also aggravated.
Enhanced fists do Strength/Aggravated damage as opposed to Strength + 2/lethal. Furthermore, there is a visible effect that must be declared when the power is activated. This can be anything ranging from lightning crackles, to your fists catching on fire. You can also limit yourself to a red hazy outline on your fists.

Surge (Vengeance 4): Attribute cap has changed from 6 to 10.
Raising an Attribute over 6 requires additional effort, therefore you must spend an additional Conviction Point for each Attribute raised over 6.
If you have 5 Zeal, 5 Dexterity & 5 Strength, and want to raise Dexterity to 8 and Strength to 7, you not only need 1 Conviction Point for normal activation but 2 more Conviction points because you're raising 2 Attributes above 6, so 3 in total (Activation, Strength 7, and Dexterity 8 ).

Smite (Vengeance 5)
You may only use the edge twice per scene.

Defenders Edges:

Respire and Restore heal Aggravated Damage. Restore turns Lethal to Bashing.

Ward (Defense 1): Multiple Imbued can have their own Wards and stay in each other's vicinity. However, when breaching the ward, the supernatural will contest against the strongest Ward.
When it comes to Arms of the Abyss (Obtenebration 3), the tentacles may constrict a Hunter with an active Ward if the source of darkness is within the Ward's radius. If the source is outside the Ward, then the tentacles may not pierce it to constrict the Hunter.
You can deactivate a Ward reflexively, but must wait 1 full turn or 3 IC minutes before you can reactivate another. You cannot turn off/reactivate a Ward if your previous one has already been breached, unless the target disengages for an entire turn and is no longer within range.

Rejuvenate (Defense 2):
From now on, this chart will be used instead of the one in the book:

Judge Edges:

Burden (Judgement 2): Resisting Burden now requires an active power usage and often an action to escape. This clarifies what "Beasts with powers of unnatural movement , amazing speed" entails in the paragraph. Depending on their race or power used:
Vampires will employ Celerity extra actions. Each action used will give them 1 die on top of the Stamina roll to resist Burden. Only one success is needed to break free. The attempt to break free can occur outside of iniative order, and may be considered reflexive if the expenditure limit allows it.
Fera will employ Rage extra actions. Each action used will give them 1 die on top of the Stamina roll to resist Burden. Only one success is needed to break free. The attempt to break free can occur outside of iniative order, and may be considered reflexive if the expenditure limit allows it. (I.E. A wolf uses 2 rage points out of his pool of 6, he then rolls Stamina 7 + Rage 2 to break free.)
* Mages may employ Correspondence to displace themselves, in which case teleporation nulls the burden effect if displaced out of line of sight. They can also employ Time to give themselves extra actions, in that case roll Stamina + Number of actions gained.
* Demons may use Lore of the Fundament (Rank 4 Acceleration). In that case, roll Stamina + 4 (Acceleration). This usage of the power does not take an action. The visage Extra Actions may also allow similar feats. Lore of the Portals, if use-able, may also allow you to escape.
Balance (Judgement 3): The duration of the effect is reduced to 1 turn per sucess in active combat, or 10 minutes outside of combat.
Balance negates the ability to use all active powers, whether or not they employ supernatural energy.
Gnosis, Rage, Blood, Quintessence, Faith and Glamour cannot be spent while silenced by Balanced.
Passive effects remain in effect so long as they do not require continuous supernatural maintenance. Pattern embedded buffs, runic imprints, passive gifts and the dots gained from disciplines such as Fortitude, Potence and Celerity will remain active.
Effects that require the Supernatural's control to be maintained, usually the ones dispelled once the target becomes unconscious - are immediately cancelled. Examples are powers such as Shroud of Darkness, Obfuscate effects, Chemistry effects; as well as mage powers such as Slipstream. This is not an extensive list. Vampire attribute blood buffs will also be reverted to their default IF the power is successful.
The target may assume their /natural/ form. Demons can assume their apocalyptic visages, and werewolves can shift into their breed form. However, temporary forms such as Protean, Obtenebration or Vicissitude, Lore of the Beast 4 or Life shapechanges will be nulled.

Reedemers Edges:

Respire (Redemption 3): You may heal aggravated damage with this edge.

Shame (Redemption 5): Damage is unsoakable by default, but may be allowed with a Storyteller's permission.

Visionaries Edges:

Foresee (Vision 1): You may use the edge only once every 6 IC hours.

Unify (Vision 4): Range adjustment: As you prepare the edge, you may announce the expenditure of a conviction point. After you release the edge (assuming you did the one hour roleplay), you can enlarge the range per each conviction point you have declared spending. The calculation is as such: Edge_Successes x 2^Conviction_Spent (Yes, it is incremental).

Waywards and their Edges:

I've decided to let players actually play Waywards, however with the authorizations of the Hunter Moderator.

Forewarn (Deviance 2): Difficulty has been set to 6.
The first application (non-combat) is the same, but when before combat, Forewarn can be rolled on any case unless the Wayward initiates first.
The extra dice (for reacting to the ambush) or extra initiative is 2 per 1 success.

Enrage (Deviance 3): The edge can affect the Wayward as well, and he's subject to the damage after it if he 'allows' such thing to happen.
Bonus dice applies only to attacks and may affect direct damaging Edges as well.
The bonus dice can be split if the Wayward wishes to split their dice.

Level Five Edges:

Denounce (Divine 5): Only lasts for only 1 day per success, and not permanently.
Targeting specific traits may be possible, but under ST's approval, because you need to know what you're actually doing.

Infuse (Divine 5): Difficulty has been set to 6.

Channel (Corrupt 5): Difficulty has been set to 6.

Visage (Divine 5): Works exactly like Channel (Corrupt 5) mechanically (as in for bonus dice).

Spiral (Divine 5): Damage is unsoakable by default, but may be allowed with a Storyteller's permission.
Difficulty has been set to 6.
May be used only once per scene.

Cremate (Divine 5): Damage is always unsoakable and the only resistance method is Willpower on difficulty 8.