Dillimore's Stories - Role Play
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Dillimore's Stories - Role Play

descriptionSamael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades] EmptySamael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades]

Character's Name: Samael Nelson
Character's Race: Mage
What are you applying for?:

- Online Access (2 pt Background) - 12 XP
- Enhanced Perception ( 2 pt. Background); Drawbacks: Nervous Tics, Trembling; - 12 XP
- Allies 2 ( Group of VAs from the Backstory) (12 XP)
- Perception 2 -> 4 ( 20 XP)
- Dexterity 3 -> 4 ( 12 XP)
- Computer 3 - > 5 ( 12 XP )
- Technology 3 -> 5 ( 12 XP )
- Crafts 2 - > 4 ( 10 XP)  

Explain how you've earned the upgrade:

Onlince Access, Enchanced Perception and Allies 2 trough the Backstory with the group that took Sam in the first place and gave him the starter things.

descriptionSamael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades] EmptyRe: Samael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades]

Accepted as the following;

You'll gain 2 points of Permadox for Online Access;
As for Gene-Engineered Physical Structure Enhancements, you'll gain those Genetic Flaws like you mentioned, have it added to your RPFs;

Perception accepted at 3, rest are accepted.

descriptionSamael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades] EmptyRe: Samael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades]

Made a mistake, meant to get 2 point into Mentor instead of Allies.

descriptionSamael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades] EmptyRe: Samael_Nelson (Mage) - [Various upgrades]

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